And that just makes it better!
I’m expecting a new Bad Dragon toy to be in the works
Maybe its the dung and corpse flies they are after
I like the 3 movies in a row & doomscroll option while steaming on the things I should be doing. Then start stressing about not having time to do the things any more, so I will definitely do one of those things by next week (promise!)
This I have taken to call the holy trinity
Definitely wallet. I leave it in the strangest of places
If thst is the sperm, what about the nuts? Would you see the outlines of a bunch of these fuckers just swimming around bump7ng into the walls, stretching the sack around as they go? Well atleast checking the sperm count would get a lot easier I guess
There was a TV show???
Eräässä työpaikan kahvikeskustelussa pari päivää ennen tätä raakku casea pohdittiin mitä aspekteja suomalaisessa kulttuurissa arvostetaan, ja esiin nousi suomalaisten luontosuhde. Onhan se tavallaan totta että luonnosta nautitaan, kunhan se mukautuu täysin omaan idylliin. Ja onhan se luonnon kanssa yhteiseloa kun koko kesän autokolonnat matkustavat kerran viikkoon edes takaisin parin kolmen tunnin matkan päässä oleville kesämökeille.
Think of the possibilities! A teaspoon or 2 of instant coffee in the cup and you are good to go! Garlicy coffee goodness /s
I mean honestly a spicy sweet tart combo could be really good
So basically late night karaoke at a bar
Honestly not the worst idea now I think about it. I have been using the paper towel soak method, but this could actually be less wasteful and easier on the organic composter. Thanks for the tip!
Edit: Ok so I dug into this a bit more (no pun intended), and seems its not the best idea due to the oil potentially seeping into groundwater.
Just buy all the Star Citizen goodies
Yeah, atleast here in northern part of europe we have multiple shrooms that bruise blue and are still edible. I recomend getting a mushroom foraging guide book of your area, and first getting familiar with all the ones that can seriously hurt you.
This is so cool! Im thinking on making a large lifted bed of lilies myself. Was thinking on tree lilies (the very tall ones). I still need to do something about the wind on our front lawn, so fencing would come first.
If tariff checked based on country of origin it wont help.