• 23 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 9th, 2023


  • Wand of Fireblast is soooo good. It’s hands down the best unupgraded wand because burn damage scales with the dungeon, it has a large AOE, and the burn ticks for a significant time. Just avoid using it in grassy rooms you haven’t trampled yet.

    Tips on using it:

    1. Never zap it if you are standing on something burnable (grass or doorway). You will immediately catch fire.
    2. If you kite enemies over grass or through doorways, it restarts their burn timer. You can kill enemies with a single zap of a +0 wand this way.
    3. It’s fun to zap Evil Eye’s as soon as they charge up, before you duck into cover. They’ll already be burning once you’re ready to start fighting them again.
    4. Flying enemies like bats and flies can’t put out the fire in water. Hit swarms of flies with ranged weapons to split them a couple times before zapping them and the one zap can kill the entire group.
    5. The wand can burn those piles of debris to save you from needing to use Liquid Flame. Same thing with those bookshelves in that one secret room that hide a Stone of Enchantment.
    6. It can’t burn Scrolls of Upgrade. Those can’t be destroyed in any way. I’ve definitely burned a scroll or two in my day, but it’s worth the risk.

  • I was recently offered Exotic Crystals and some other junk and went with the random trinket because I’ve used the crystals several times and they have annoying downsides.

    1. Inventory pressure. You simply can’t carry so many different potions and scrolls early in the game.
    2. Some basic scrolls are often better than their exotic versions. Specifically Identify, Remove Curse, and Transmutation.

    On the other hand, you get a ton of alchemical energy from exotic items, so if you don’t need them, alchemize them.

  • Only thing I’ve got is throwing items at the grass squares adjacent to the point of impact since they can keep spawning grass for a couple of turns, depending on where the gas landed.

    I’ve never been offered the censer, so I’ve never used it. I have literally no idea what you’re saying here. 😅

    What does the censer have to do with grass?

  • You gotta admit it’s confusing and abnormal to put a single “no” entry in the middle of a comma-delimited list of “yes” entries. Normally you’d say,

    It has this, that, and the other thing, and no bad things, malthings, or blahs.

    Sometimes the “and” and “or” are left out.

    It has this, that, the other thing, and no bad things, malthings, blahs.

    The original commenter took this format, and mixed it all up like

    It has this, no bad thing, other thing

    Is that no other thing or yes other thing? Who can tell? Only people who didn’t need to be told these things in the first place.

  • I want to make a debug fork of SPD that shows you literally everything that happens in game. All math, random rolls (damage and armor), and puts it all in a huge log, easily parsed by humans and machines alike. So if you have a piss-poor run or something, you can mine the data and be like, “RNG was cursed this run!”

    Plus it’ll make it super obvious why you keep doing 0 DMG or whatever to some enemy, or keep missing over and over. And make it obvious what damage came from what instead of just seeing numbers fly on the screen.

    Imagine the wall of text you’d get from zapping a million Dwarf King spawns with a Wand of Corrosion during the final phase of the DK fight after Wonderous Resin oh-so-randomly gave you the stasis effect on your previous zap.

    And I want to see exactly how high the evasion is on Dwarven Ghouls on the ascent because—holy fuck—I can never hit them. Get 4 in a room at once and they almost never die because you can’t kill them fast enough.