Yeah, the justice department can say whatever it wants.
Until there are DEVASTATING consequences for capitalist actions, they’ll continue to do them.
Yeah, the justice department can say whatever it wants.
Until there are DEVASTATING consequences for capitalist actions, they’ll continue to do them.
By that same thought process, don’t expect civility when you’re making fun of and disparaging people’s religions.
Just saying, you might want to think about what your advocating for and the hypocrisy behind it.
They cut ~2% of the budget. Anyone spewing this funding cut bullshit is a partisan hack.
Quit being reactionary.
Slavery, it’s called S L A V E R Y.
It’s America, love and understanding are not things we do here.
Too bad capitalism is the only system 😔
You sure are trying to bring everyone together; what, by labeling them ‘tankies’ and ‘Russian bots’.
Maybe it’s you who is doing “exactly what Putin wants”.
Divide and conquer; you’ve got the divide part down.
From what I’ve read, Trump actually can kill this on day one. Whether or not he does is a different story, he’s taken a populist slide lately and I don’t think his supporters would be too happy with him undoing it.
Who knows though; unprecedented times.
Also, there has already been a lawsuit filed against the Biden administration for this rule. Fucking god damn it
Damn, my medical debt that is currently affecting my score must have not gotten the memo.
Another edit: Can the Trump administration kill this on day one?
Nah, he was just a fucking idiot and it’s a good day when any American thug like him wastes away.
Fuck veterans
Not only that, talking about the attractiveness of this man’s wife and how her husband’s suicide might affect that. Fuckin’ gross.
That’s because Elon isn’t supporting H1B out of his love for immigrants or immigration. He’s supporting it because he knows he can pay them less. He’s a capitalist douchebag selling out the country to lowest bidder
You’re the one dancing to this capitalist’s tune
government and corporations have been going full fascist for decades and you haven’t done shit. You don’t need your gun, because if you did you would have already used it.
You just like to indulge in your little killing fantasy while bobbing on the boot.
Americans consistently sell themselves to the lowest bidder.
If you’re waiting for perfect, you’ll be waiting for ever.
So long as they are paid the same wage as non-prisoners. Anything else is slavery.
Yes, being incarcerated and working while being paid $0.50 an hour is STILL slavery.
Yup. Imagine standing proudly and supporting a country with slavery. Pledging your allegiance to it. Paying your hard earned money into it.
Then calling it a free country, so proudly.
Where this fucking idiot was wrong was in thinking that Amerikkka has ever or will ever care about the common person. lol
Burn the whole country to the ground