• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 20th, 2023


  • This is exactly me.

    I’ve been paying £5 a month by using a VPN to sign up for Premium from Ukraine. Been doing so for the past couple of years without complaint. Literally all I need from them is to fuck off the adverts. I have Apple Music for music and I’m happy with it.

    Now they’ve rumbled us and will be cutting off our Premium next month.

    I am fucked if I’m paying those ratfuckers £20 a month just so I can watch other people’s hard work without the adverts they force in. Fuck that noise.

    So I’m now researching ways to get my subs onto Plex so I can carry on watching on my Apple TV.

  • I embraced dresses this summer, and will never look back.

    Just around the house, mind, I’m not that brave. But fucking hell it was SO NICE getting a breeze up around my bits on the hottest days. Walking down stairs, the skirt billowing out and filling with cool air. Shit’s like a drug.

    As a bonus, my wife thinks it’s hot.

    So yeah, I’ve spent a bit on Vinted these past few months buying pretty skirts and dresses and sure, I’ve still got a beard and am kinda hairy, but I feel nice when I’m wearing them.

  • A while back, during the election campaign here in the UK, I saw someone talking about how disproportionate reporting by centre/left news outlets on how well the right leaning parties were doing was really good for reminding their audience that a Labour win was not a given and that their vote mattered.

    In the case of the US, I think there’s a good amount of that, as well as large a scoop of cope from the right leaning news orgs. Cherry picking their sources means that outlets can present the polling as close, which flies better in the headlines.

    Or all that is bollocks, and the US really is a gibberish shitshow.

  • YT emailed us yesterday to say that they believed our family Premium account is not, in fact, based in Ukraine where Premium is a fraction of the cost of other countries in Europe.

    Anyway, by the time they’ve pulled the plug on us I’ll have FreeTube set up and rolling. Fuck ‘em.

    I’m more than happy to sling them a fiver a month to get shot of adverts, but they can lick my arsehole if they think I’m ponying up £20 a month just so my wife and I can watch stuff without being advertised at as much as they think is reasonable.
