• 10 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: April 13th, 2022


  • DRHOY@lemmy.caOPMtoReligion@lemmy.caYou Go Down Smooth
    1 year ago

    There has been a third comment posted here, and it is presumably by an individual I have already blocked contact from, a “meanmon” or similar.

    If anyone wanted to present an argument against my assertion that the Pharisees being referred to as The Seekers Of Smooth Things because they were slovenly, then they would be best to use their words in a comment about the subject matter, and cite some reasonable evidence for their objection.

    Thus far, I would be forced to guess at any possible objections, such as:

    …b…b…b…but… DRHOY! What about IQH XII, which puts “smooth things” in greater context?!?

    IQH XII, only solidifies my assertion:

    “Teachers of lies… …Thy people… …and… …have led them astray… They have banished me from my land like a bird from its nest… And they, teachers of lies and seers of falsehood, have schemed against me a devilish scheme, to exchange the Law engraved on my heart by Thee for the smooth things… …to Thy people. And they withhold from the thirsty the drink of Knowledge, and assuage their thirst with vinegar, that they may gaze on their straying, on their folly concerning their feast-days, on their fall into the snares.”

    • IQH XII, 7-12

    The Chitsonim were struggling to recompose the Ten Commandments (which are the “Law”).


    The Sixth Commandment is “Six days thou shalt work".


    These laws were the only explicit “engravings” by YHWH.

    The blasphemous abomination that is the replacement of the actual Ten Commandments maintained Sabbath observance, but removed the compulsory aspect of working every day that is not the Sabbath. This is a dramatic shift toward usury and sloth.

    The Sixth Commandment had been important in maintaining the productivity and fecundity of a group composed of freed slaves.

    In a broader sense of “the law” (lower case), the mitzvot had not yet been compiled, but all of Israel had been aware for many centuries that only the Levites were set apart from land ownership, and with that, the tithing expected at the compulsory festivals or “feast-days”. Those mandatory taxes were for the maintenance of the Temple and it’s services, and the sustenance of the Levites.

    It is my opinion that the Chitsonim were composed of the righteous succession of the High Priesthood and supporters thereof.

    The author asserts that Israel is being disinformed. This accusation goes further than one of misinformation. The assertion is that the “Teachers Of Lies” are aware of their falsehood, straying, and folly, because they are scheming to commit them.

    The inferrable accusations are that the Teachers Of Lies have “schemed against” the Hasmonean High Priest (who ought to be the ultimate Treasurer of tithes), have neglected to provide knowledge, have substituted truth for corruption (wine is symbolic of Judaism, and vinegar is rotten wine), and have the goal of “gazing on” their foolishness.

    This is expressive of condemnation for desires of lazy inactivity.

  • DRHOY@lemmy.caOPMtoReligion@lemmy.caYou Go Down Smooth
    1 year ago


    "My actions and choices - past, present, or future - are never to be recognized as participation in, or consent to, or association with, or acceptance of, any Masonic activities, any activities of a Children’s Aid Society or similar, any activities of a secret society, any activities of a faith-based group, any rites, or rituals, or superstitions, or any extra-judicial resolutions or inquiries.

    Faith-based terrorism is pervasive in some modern cultures. That is, the intent to compel any person, by fear, to do or not do any thing, reasoned by ideological means, exists. It is and has historically been among the greatest harms of humanity, and is not prosecuted often enough.

    It appears to have manifested on this sub-forum, and is unacceptable anywhere.

    Individuals may separate their agency from association. That is, a person who I might recognize as a member of a faith-based group, presumably has facets of their life which are unrelated and unassociable.

    Participation in Lemmy.ca/c/Religion - and interaction with me in general - couldn’t necessitate association with faith. I discriminate against faith, and people that don’t."

    You are not welcome to message me.