I hope it at least pleases you to know that in places where UHT milk is the norm, pasteurised milk is more expensive and sometimes simply not available. (I somewhat prefer that flavour)
I hope it at least pleases you to know that in places where UHT milk is the norm, pasteurised milk is more expensive and sometimes simply not available. (I somewhat prefer that flavour)
No. Still needed in smaller business environments if you’re onboarding a new machine.
I can talk to people fine, though I don’t enjoy doing it with strangers at random places. I just hate phone calls. It’s not entirely rational, no doubt, though I still object to the silly stupid remark it’s “mental illness”.
Calling with IT professionals is extremely inefficient when discussing technical details where correct settings (ip’s, ports, paths etc) matter. At best a call here is only useful to indicate the urgency of the mail that was sent.
So, you agree that the statement that it gets easier with exposure is nonsense? Or do you mean to say that every one who disagree has mental health issues? Because you’re talking about a decently large chunk of people here.
Disagree. Part of my job entails calling people (and I even started at a phone helpdesk 20 years ago) and I still despise and loathe calling on the phone with people I don’t know for making appointments or getting quotes. To the point it will probably impact my health since my dentist only takes appointments by phone. (Before my sister in law worked there so I could DM her to ask her directly)
Exposure doesn’t always make it easier.
I know it can be cheaper but I wanted nice Niko sockets that fit the same cover plates I used for my lighting switches and power sockets. It’s a house, not an office, so paying more for things to look like I want them is also worth something, for me.
When you’re renovating that expense is relative imo. And the cable is relatively cheap imo. Nice wall sockets for them are super expensive though. 200 euro or thereabouts for 500m of cat6, but 20 euro per outlet pair adds up. Definitely still worth it, because like expected there’s more stuff to connect.
Spending time on it, stops making it free. I’ve used Linux on off for more than 25 years now, but always switched back to Windows because in all those previous instances something weren’t working well enough on Linux. I’m not blaming Linux for this and will at some point try again as I dislike what Windows does in the background.
But my time is not ‘free’.
And practically I mostly find using Windows extremely easy. Being in IT specifically for my knowledge about Windows obviously helps there. I follow the notices they send out for my job, so know how to turn off or prevent many of the user annoyances quickly.
The combat for me was refreshing honestly, it felt like actual skills and knowledge I have irl about swordfighting (which are bad against better fighters and limited knowledge tbh) translated really well. Once you figure out the controls it’s pretty easy and just about managing your stamina a bit.
Other parts like the monastery mission just felt bugged and we’re frustrating to the point it basically stopped me from finishing the game. I even looked up a walkthrough and that did nothing. A shame though because I really liked wondering around in the world but that mission basically stopped me from just doing that too.
Surely you’re not implying that wanting to avoid unnecessary social interaction with overly familiar strangers means you have high anxiety? You could claim they’re socially awkward but that’s still pretty far from anxiety.
How is CS2 working on it? I know I could just try to get it running myself on a spare pc, but I find that as I get older I dislike fiddling with things like this more and more. And while I’m fine with just playing games made to work properly on Linux, CS2 and it’s predecessors is something me and my real life friends have been playing for nearly two decades. It’s a way to keep in touch as everyone has kids and can’t come to the pub during the weekend.
It’s suggested more than it helps, especially on MS support pages, but for sure sfc fixes a particular set of problems. Out of about 16 times I’ve used it professionally it’s solved the issue about 12 or so times. (In 20 years, so damn you for making me feel old) And when it didn’t it’s usually because the file is also corrupt in dllcache.
Chkdsk is/was useful, imho, if you run it with the /r parameter. In my experience it became irrelevant for user systems with ssd’s.
Both are tools. Don’t blame the tool for being used for something they’re not meant for. You could technically use a power drill to hit nails in a wall, sometimes, but someone suggesting a power drill in place of a hammer doesn’t mean it’s a bad tool.
Man that’s crazy, I speak French with an undertone of a Belgian accent, but pretty close to French general accent (I know every dept has their accent, chill!), but Canadians have an extremely heavy and weird non standard accent compared to other people.
I do agree that with changing stewards it’s stupid. But when you look at how Norris went unpunished for literally creating an extremely unsafe situation after the aborted start it’s high time they start giving out harsher penalties. And I’m undoubtedly biased myself but it’s always British drivers who get away with that bullshit it seems.
The commentary being salty about British drivers being punished is so delicious. They complain it’s inconsistent but honestly it’s the first time I think British drivers are being punished to the same degree as others have always been.
Some reason being that if you don’t maintain a certain temperature in your house you’ll get mildew problems.
This year was already a battle, especially compared to last year. Red Bull wasn’t nearly as dominant, especially with Checo heavily under delivering. Max is just so good that with what is basically just the 4th best car, he is still more consistently better.
Fair point that roads should be designed a lot better, but in the mean time, if you’re going to be driving on roads that got put down originally 50 years ago without cycling paths and no lights in the middle of farmland. Wear the high Viz gear or make sure you have working lights and reflectors.
Pasteurised doesn’t equal sterilised. Not sure ofcourse where you live since apparently that matters for this term since some places used pasteurised for what is double pasteurization and thermized for single pasteurization.
I know the pasteurised milk I buy will spoil in a matter of days, even if unopened. The only milk that will stay good unopened for months us UHT.