• 5 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • The fighting was nice to look at, but overall nothing actually happened. Somewhat strange, considering how short the series might be. The highlight was Neva sending the Tamagami to fight.

    I was kinda hoping for Gomah to still be a joke villain, but that’s out of question now. On the contrary, he seems invincible. So much so, I wonder who they pulled the eye out of initially. Or who created it, I guess. Also, him being kinda invincible just makes him even more of a Jiren.

    Anyway, I got my team-up with Duu and Kuu, and with Goku finally deciding to go serious at the end, something is bound to happen next episode!

  • Das Argument dreht sich da etwas im Kreis, weil es ganz davon abhängt ob die Partei es wirklich schafft über 5% zu kommen. Sollte das nicht klappen fehlt das besagte Zünglein an der Waage von sagen wir mal 4%, die stattdessen bei der nächstgrößeren linkorientierten Partei sein könnten - also die Grünen. Mir wäre spontan auch kein Thema bekannt, welches die Linke knapp mit anderen durchsetzen könnten, bei dem die Grünen nicht Teil dieser knappen Mehrheit sind.

    Ebenso bin ich kein Fan davon einen so falschen Standpunkt unter dem Vorwand zu akzeptieren, dass die Partei ihn nur als Verhandlungschip einsetzen könnte.

    Wer mit so einem Standpunkt antritt bekommt des weiteren kein Vertrauen von mir nicht auch bei künftigen Fragen auf der falschen Seite zu stehen. Egal in welcher Form der Oppositions-/ Regierungsarbeit. Womit die Linke für mich ein nicht kalkulierbares Risiko darstellt, bis sie partei-intern ihre Wagenknecht/Russland Vergangenheit gelöst hat.

  • The ending of Future Redeemed links the games to:


    Xeno Saga - My best guess is a remake of those three games, maybe packaged as one. I’d love it, since I’m only missing Saga.

    As for future games, I think they confirmed moving away from the combat formula, which implies moving away from the Klaus story. But it could be something new set in world as shown at the end of XB 3.

    Anyways, still on Witcher 3. It’s a never ending game, but I didn’t play much at all these past to weeks. I did continue the main story, but only by 1 or 2 quests. I just got the mask from Yen in Skellige.

    This weekend, I’ve got a lot of time so there will be much more progress, I think

  • I thought it was pretty fun. The story can be hit or miss, but I remember it being a fun and mostly light-hearted one. The battle system is servicable and there are a few stand-out fights towards the end. Sadly, as much as I like them, if you don’t like the battle system, pushing through just for them is probably not worth it. Once you have everything setup - meaning three characteres to switch between with minions and a few spells on the characters themselves, the system does not get any more complex.

    Minions cab evolve, I din’t know if you were teached that already. Other than that, it does not get more complex. I think they had up to 3 stages with different paths to evolve.

  • A strange one to be sure. Both the Ginyu force at home and Degesu turned out to be joke villains, which is fine, but a strange decision this close to the end. Especially after struggling against common grunts last episode.

    However, while the action was kinda lacking, the comedy was great. Both Hybis and his hat saving the day (with some help from Glorio I guess) and the woman who delivered the belt were great. Oh, and of course Gomah fighting against the belt.

    Speaking of Gomah, I’m not exactly impressed by his glow-up. I had hoped for some kind of evil wizard design, like you’d find in Dragon Quest. Instead he just kinda turned into Jiren, even sporting similar colours. I wouldn’t be surprised if he too turned out to be joke villain after all that, crashing the fight against the majin brothers and just getting one-shotted. If he is a threat, I’d also like a team-up between Goku/Vegeta and Duu/Kuu - these guys deserve to win and would be great demon lords after everything is said and done.