Des [she/her, they/them]

Des or Desi

hentai-free hentai free

just kidding sicko-power

pigpoopball queen

  • 11 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2020


  • yeah. i work for a different co same business. no union. they work us to the bone too mostly by keeping stores at permanent skeleton crew.

    so i do look upon the little advantages the eurostores have with some envy. chairs. little powered pallet jacks with a cargo bed. the efficient stocking.

    the grocery industry is kind of having a moment now not sure where it’s going but it’s being hollowed out bad.

    the experienced people are leaving in droves, the young ones aren’t replacing them. and everyone else is aging out

  • as a former sigh lolbertarian: they basically have a right and left deviation just like MLs. not sure if they still use the terms but it was “yokeltarian” (right) and “cosmotarian” (left) for the two wings

    then the two further extremes would be the ancaps/dark enlightenment freaks (far right) and the mutualists/left libertarians/non-marxist anarchists (far left)

    the national libertarian party leans a bit more “left” and is likely going to keep going further left as the rightists just keep going MAGA and fascist.

    some of these people can be won over to us from the left/far left camp but require heavy doses of debrainwormer twice a day for 14 days

    more likely they just become libs at best. or realize that true liberation requires a state to enforce it

  • also why many stimulant “nootropics” are gray market legal as well as kratom. pharm companies would love to make kratom go away and put everyone on suboxone for life but its become a “white, disabled veteran” and “white, boomer aunt” pain reliever which makes efforts to ban it very frustrated.

    also it being basically “matcha tea opioid you can’t OD on” gives it less allure for the conservative “drugs icky” crowd

    and the kratom advocacy group is made up of retired congresspeople and ran by Pelosi’s son so there’s that web of handshakes and back patting