Somewhere between Linux woes, gaming, open source, 3D printing, recreational coding, and occasional ranting.
🇬🇧 / 🇩🇪
I have no clue about Elasticsearch, but Overpass is a very advanced search and filter interface for the OSM database
Sorry, aber das macht mich halt echt sauer.
Meine Großmutter haben sie auch so lange belabert, bis sie “auch integriert und aktiv zu halten aber dafür bedarf es nun mal auch Veränderungen und manchmal sind diese halt auch räumlich/örtlich.” in Ein Wohnheim für Senioren umgesiedelt wurde.
Natürlich nur zu ihrem besten, versteht sich.
Die Arschlöcher haben es aber nur aufs Haus abgesehen.
Meine Großmutter wollte nicht ihr Haus verlassen .__.
“Wie kann sie es wagen, ihre gewohnte und geliebte Umgebung nicht zu verlassen? Diese sture Frau soll gefälligst ins Heim ziehen und Platz für die jüngere Generation machen”.
Oder was wolltest du sagen?
but I’d like to give Nginx Proxy Manager a try, it seems easier to manage stuff not in docker.
NPM is pretty agnostic. If it receives a request for a specific address and port combination it just forwards the traffic to another specific address and port combination. This can be a docker container, but also can be a physical machine or any random URL.
It also has Let’s Encrypt included (but that should be a no-brainer).
Wird nichts damit zu tun haben, dass NTI das Scheißeunwetter einer kompletten, weltumspannenden, mehrere Generationen umfassenden Community heraufziehen gesehen hat.
If you’re into watching YouTube: You can add channels as RSS into your reader. The latest 15 videos are offered via the feeds. All you need is the channel ID of the channel whose feed you want to access.
The channel ID is not visible anywhere on the page, but if you look at the DOM in the web browser via the developer console, you will find a meta entry <link rel="canonical" href="">
in the <head>
, where CHANNEL_ID
is the required ID. There are also websites that can be found quickly and easily using the appropriate keywords, which read out and return the ID associated with the provided handle.
If you have a lot of subscriptions, you can use Google Takeout at and export the YouTube subscriptions as a CSV file. The CSV file contains the subscribed channels with their ID and title for you to parse into whatever format you need for your reader.
For Newsboat you can use this script on the Abos.csv from my Google Takeout archive:
while IFS="," read id url name; do
[ ! -z "${id}" ] && echo "$feedURL youtube videos \"~${name}\""
done < <(tail -n +2 Abos.csv) >> urls
Edit: Seems like, Lemmy messes up the code formatting, but you get the gist …
QC was such a fun ride…
It clearly had it’s moments. There were some weirdly questionable strips. I’m not following it anymore since a few years but I’m happy to see it’s still running.
He has unlimited money. I am pretty sure he doesn’t really care.
Here in Germany we learn that in school in 3rd or 4th grade (ca 9-10 years of age).
Unfortunately no-one does. Since Google basically killed it, it gets ignored everywhere.
OSM search is actually really, really bad if you don’t use overpass. This has nothing to do with data quality. The default search just sucks. Organic Maps is no different here. You simply cannot throw a basic string search at a relational database and expect good results.
Someone suggested Organic Maps to me some time ago and I really love it. Their map data is not that old (just a few days up to a month behind OSM edits), it doesn’t annoy me with stupid features, it allows routing, and can fully operate offline.
Free public education and healthcare are awesome, too. It really shows how much we as a society have grown and left behind the dark ages where those were for the rich only.
For some people it’s not always about the money.
Statt die alten ihres wohlverdienten Wohnraums zu berauben, könnte man Wohnungsbaugesellschaften dazu verordnen mehr bezahlbaren Wohnraum zu bauen.
Except it is, because the prompt doesn’t write itself. The art is writing the “perfect prompt” for getting the desired result.
Disliking AI art work just because someone used AI is like disliking paintings because someone used a paintbrush.
AI is merely a tool.
Also gähnende Leere im Parkhaus und überquellende Radbügel? Klingt nach einem Plan!