Just kinda that guy, ya know?
You got it, Champ.
I mean… what did you expect? His plan from day 0 was to tariff everyone and obliterate the government’s ability to function. You REALLY can’t feign ignorance and surprise when he does that.
The worst part is that there’s not enough of an organized opposition to stop it, or even really slow it down. Neither major political party acts in favor of the people; major news outlets and social networking tools are owned by billionaires; a sizeable chunk of the country is perfectly OK with getting ratfucked so long as José next door gets it worse. We aren’t facing the implosion of the USA into a TechnoFascist Hellscape, we’re LIVING IT.
Bitcoin City in El Salvador will never happen now, because they no longer have it as legal tender.
Their national currency is USD.
Lol. Lmao, even.
Pfffft, “slowly”??? They pushed the pedal to the floor and launched it off the cliff! And we’re duct-taped to the back seat…
I have been to Ohio exactly ONCE, and I can confirm that the state does in fact suck balls. It’s so fucking FLAT…
Buddy, I’m being sarcastic here. I KNOW they’re gonna destroy tons of public services like that. The cruelty is the point.
Just another average day in Louisiana…
It bears repeating that major cities were full of constant toxic smog before clean air regulations. I remember reading that it was so bad around Detroit that people would sometimes pass out from Carbon Monoxide poisoning during traffic jams. Rivers used to CATCH FIRE before the EPA too.
Republicans only want the EPA gone because then they can sell protected land on the cheap to their masters, and get away with horrendous behavior during new industrial setup. What they fail to realize is that many of the protections enforced by the EPA have been hardbaked in to the industries and equipment, and killing the EPA will not get rid of that overnight.
One of the funniest things you could do (from my perspective as an outsider) is reach out, invite them for lunch somewhere public, and ask them loudly every time they misgender you why they’re doing that. After all, you’re clearly not what they’re calling you, and one of the best ways to make bigots change is bludgeoning them repeatedly with shame.
Either way, sucks to hear your parents are dipshits. Hope you’re in a happier, more stable place now.
You’ll get there with practice. I believe in you.
He’s trying SO HARD to be hip and cool with the kids, and is just failing miserably.
It was delicious, but definitely could’ve used another 2/3 minutes for color.
Lmao who could’ve seen THAT coming?
Oh I know, that’s why he’s “Worst Person You Know” and not “cool guy Steve Bannon”. Dude can eat shit and die about it.
I relate to this so hard. Like, I wasn’t asking you if I could go. I’ve booked it, I’ve given you notice, if you are still blindsided when I’m gone, that’s on you.