This gave me a nice smile thanks!
This took me waaay too long to figure out…
Haven’t thought about that movie in a while…
Did you ever learn to play an instrument?
That’s one sexy Hamilton
The red ones go faster…let’s see number 8!!!
It’ll be exactly like y2k or 2012…
Yo sign me up 867-5309
Waving at the audience with a very special Hitler wave…
At least you understand your bottom…
While I’m not opposed to lighting elected officials or their offices on fire, I prefer it be for a good reason.
He’s always been a pest to society…
I love the idea it’s all Mike Judges fault…
Perfectly balanced game…
Wow…I can’t tell what it is but this painting has a lot of it.
I have gone to a couple lava flow caves and went to one in Central Oregon that I had to crawl through a tiny hole for about 5-6 feet not too bad but it opened up to this amazing little geode room thing…out of the ten of us only 4 of us went in there it was terrifying but worth it…turning off your flashlights in caves is something else!!!
I’ve spent most of my time in southern Colorado which is alright but central/northern is stunning…it’s almost like if oregon or Washington were landlocked.
It’s OK to hold a grudge, but it feels much better to work through those feelings.
I was wondering what happened to Rick…