• 12 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Oh gods yes.

    I get so many bills that are dirty, but also you don’t wanna know all the germs that are on a lot of those bills. Another thing I learned from years of working in retail is that people are also disgusting as all hell. Many people don’t bother washing their hands after going to the bathroom, or they’ll hand you nasty sweaty bills they pulled out of their pocket after walking into a store or up to a fuel kiosk during a >80 °F (26 °C) day, or after working a shift in construction or a factory job or even simply just exercising. Some women will pull cash directly out from under their bra, as if I want to accept sweaty boob money. Yes, they could use a wallet. However, many people don’t. Rather, they just shove the cash directly into their pocket or bra and be done with it. Because fuck cashiers, I guess.

    Not to mention that the majority of bills out there have at least some trace amount of cocaine or other drugs covering it, though you may not be able to see it.

    So, in short, sorry for the ramble but, yes, people are absolutely disgusting and so is their cash.

    Retail. has. fucking. ruined me.

    /rant lol

  • Not sure if you’re serious just forgot a /s but in case the former I just would like to point out that many people—me being one of them—would absolutely love a second monitor but can’t afford it. Hell, I can’t afford a first monitor. The only reason I have one is because I bought it back when I had a job that actually paid me a living wage. If it broke down now, I would have issues.