Lakeside Drive
Lakeside Drive
Michael Stuhlbarg.
Saw him in MIB3 and enjoyed it, then basically forgot about him until I saw him in Your Honor and loved it. Now I’ve spotted him in quite a few other things too.
I need to start paying more attention to character actors. Michael Stuhlbarg is really the first one I’ve paid any attention to, so I’ll be taking notes from this thread and setting myself some homework 🙂
I use the 4 button Philips hue dimmers. Mostly mostly because I already had some from before I started using home assistant, and then because it’s easier to add more or replace when needed. All reconfigured in node-red, all behave the same:
All my printing is done at my local makerspace. We have:
3 x Ultimaker 2
3 x Ultimaker 2 extended
Formlabs Form 3b
Markforged mkII
Most of my printing is in the Ultimakers but I use the form 3b for anything small or that needs that extra find detail. I havent found a good reason to use the Markforged yet (the consumables are quite expensive) but should be fun when the need arises :)
Maybe he’s decided its easier to toe the line