Why make the text so large in your comment? It really threw off the flow of the thread for me
Why make the text so large in your comment? It really threw off the flow of the thread for me
Fuck yeah man, I love that conviction. If only everyone were so inclined, the world would be a better place.
Hopefully it will help to shift your perspective, so while your situation might not change, your outlook on it will
You could get something like a 5-bay HDD enclosure that connects to the mini pc via usb, but while that’s very clean it also might be slow and/or expensive. Alternatively you could get an NVMe to 5-port sata adapter and cobble together some kind of Frankenstein pc, which is probably cheaper and maybe faster, but is certainly a hack-ier solution and who knows what the reliability is like with them. I’m sure it’ll be a fun project regardless of what you go with.
Links for reference:
Same as Australia, mostly
I really liked Stray, short and sweet with an engaging narative and solid visual design. Simplistic gameplay, but it’s satisfying enough to keep things moving.
It certInly is, it feels very hollow and empty compared to earlier games. I feel that it marks the beginning of the end for Bethesda, it was a pretty steep decline from there.
I get why most people prefer the legendary remaster of the first game to the original, but I would have liked it if they’d carried a lot of the design and narative choices into the sequels. EA bought Bioware in 2007, and I think it shows, but I love jank so perhaps I’m not the most impartial judge.
I do indeed use linux, on an unused laptop hidden away in my tv cabinet. I’m fairly confident it’s not spying on me… but you never know. Unfortunately you are correct, most people do just use whatever is on the TV, ignorant to the accompanying issues this causes for both themselves and society at large.
Just use a hdmi input?
Good lord, how much does electricity cost where you are? Combined with the air conditioning to keep the space livable, that would be prohibitively expensive for me
There’s not really a fix for something like that, it’s more about learning to work with it
The exp requirements for each skill level are exponential for every seventh level, so the half way point in fully levelling a skill works out to be level 92 (out of 99)
Farkin’ oath cunt, go hard or go home
What are the chances, I was just looking into installing it again. Here’s a handy article I found about the various mods, for those interested.
I try to listen to the HLD soundtrack every so often, but always find it slightly uncomfortable without the game
Oh man the Mirrors Edge soundtrack is so good
I’ll elaborate on artists I see here already amd recommend MF Doom’s Mm…Food, The White Stripe’s Elephant, and a collaboration between MF Doom and Danger Mouse; The Mouse and the Mask. The last is particularly good if you’re familliar with Aqua Teen Hunger Force.
Huh, it must have been, because it’s all looking normal now. And here I was assuming it was a questionable artistic choice, good on you and thanks for following up on it.