Hi everyone:)
"It’s called the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it. " - G. Carlin
The bosses want to work us to death.
It’s so frustrating though. GOP “issues” are all just thinly veiled bigotry talking points and then we go to the Dems and it’s clear that they understand what the real issues hurting people are but are unwilling to do anything about them because that would involve looking hard in the mirror and confronting the ugliness of yhe very system they benefit from
I like how American propaganda is more likely to be like “the reds are evil wizards” than aknowledging that socialism is a good idea.
I mean we need somewhere to put Reagan Thatcher and Kissinger and I would very much like that place to not be here.
I swear these fricks view people’s lives like it’s some sports game and then blame the people when they lose like embittered soccer hooligans.
My university gave me one of these for free. They called it a tumbler tho
The two party system is like good cop bad cop. Remember ACAB.
Fish. I think they look like fish and live under the ocean of their home planet
In America if schoolchildren cannot afford their food at school they go into debt for it and they/their family owes the school debt now.
Yes you read that right, children in debt for food.