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Joined 8 days ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2024


  • Tantrum voting for a spoiler (objectively the exact same as voting for “the other guy” btw…FPTP Voting suuuuucks) is fine, usually. This time around it is a hard one to suggest, or even tolerate, because the stakes are the worst. That is why it is even a debate…spoiling to feel superior and us ending up with Bush jr. lead to a lot of horrible stuff (I lost friends and brothers to one of them in particular), but it didn’t bring down our country and never really threatened to.

  • I understand you THINK that is the case. You do not understand first-past-the-post voting, you don’t understand electoral college, you don’t understand the mentality of the MAJORITY of out-of-touch voters that don’t even know what left and right mean. You lack the information needed to effectively champion your alleged cause and you are so bad at it that you are making enemies of the people that would rather stand with you in changing the system so we DO have third parties and your “solution” isn’t just an ignorant person’s pipedream.

  • The guy thinks “Biden is doing a genocide”, his only real purpose it to stop people from voting for Biden without understanding how the voting system works, it is a weird way to undermine one’s self, or a troll, or a really bad maga PSYOP thing…dunno. Guy is single issue AF, but is doing nothing to solve that issue.

  • Voting outside the two real options is giving your vote to whoever actually wins. That is how our trash-tier voting system works. If you can get whoever the fuck that person you mentioned is to be the DNC choice, well that is a very slightly different situation. I don’t know or care who that is, but I am anti project 2025, so you would still have my vote. Other idiots that don’t know how the actual system works would write in Biden at that point or just not vote and you did more harm than good, but your conscious would be clear.

    So, stop telling people to not vote Biden and go be productive in getting Aaron whoever to be the DNC pick. Then you will have some slight chance at being useful and causing real change instead of shooting all your allies in the foot, repeatedly.

  • Yeah you are. You said above you are not voting, so you are voting for the guy that wins, that is how the math of the system works in the real world. Biden loses a swing state because 10,000 of your morons don’t vote that would have voted against trump and trump with a because of that one swing state…you enabled his win with your inaction.

  • I keep saying it but it is one big Prisoner’s Dilemma. The best next steps that can realistically happen are

    We vote in grandpa Joe.

    All these folks that are single issue Democrats FIGHT AND CHANGE THE SYSTEM. If you are an actual leftist, or just a Democrat, set the field for a fight you can actually win, instead of handing it to trump then fighting uphill with cement shoes. If it is a narrow miss, you have something to point at and go “look how bad we need third party options and a system that enables them!”

    (funfact, part 2 can not happen under he other guy) Losing the whole fight because you want everything to be perfect overnight is pathetic. Causes move slow nomatter how much the spastic activist brain wants everything perfect and right now. You also don’t bring anyone to your cause by being toxic about it.