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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • They’re not meant to be used to change prices on the fly. The 10 minute window is literally just so you can fix mistakes like typos, in case it says 179.9 when you meant to put 17.99. Like when a customer comes in, and says “the advertising said this is supposed to be $5 this weekend, but the price tag still says its $8, what gives?” Then you can go to the back, change the price to $5, and it will update all the tags for this item on the fly. There is no limitation stating you need to wait 24 hours or however long you think would be fair. You can also use it to schedule sales that start at a specific time of day, fx food items that are made to be consumed on the same day might get cheaper near closing time.

    Price gouging is still price gouging, and generally, at least where im from, there is a legal obligation that the customer can rely on the listed price at the time they pick up the item. I can’t imagine it’s that much different in the us?

    Source: l literally used to program the software that’s used for these things

  • Bro I share that core memory. Except it was coming home after having gone to the store for my mum. I was pretending to interview myself about what it was like to suddenly star in the Harry Potter movies.

    I was telling “the interviewer” all about how much fun it was to hang out with Danielle Radcliffe. I even specifically remember that I was saying how sometimes he would joke about his scar burning between takes, which was apparently super funny when he did that.

    So I was recreating how he would scream “aaah, my scar!” to show my fake interviewer how funny it was. It was at this point that I looked around and noticed the girl my age, who had stopped midway through putting on her bike helmet, in order to give me the dirtiest “what the fuck is this psychopath doing?” look, which I’ll never forget.

    I also remember that I was really torn. On one hand, if i stopped because I had noticed her, that would mean admitting that I’m being a weirdo who shouldn’t do this in public. The alternative of course, being to double down and continue unapologetically. I am actually kinda proud of young me for recognizing the validity of just owning it - I mean, in the end I was just a kid playing and learning to socialize. Of course, I didn’t have the gall to pull through, so I ended up walking home in silence.

  • Same here in Denmark. I remember learning how to sow seeds, pick the crops and then properly clean them. That was in kindergarten, and when we were about 10, we grew potatoes and we were finally allowed to peel and cut them ourselves without supervision. We also slaughtered a live chicken and brewed it into a warm soup around that time. But I think that one might be more controversial, and im not sure i even think we should do that lol (and I don’t think it’s normal, but we lived right next to a famous viking city, and had to learn to live like iron age people for a themed week).