What the fuck are you talking about? You ever had a cop find and arrest someone who violated your rights? Must be nice to be that well off! Around here cops just beat students during protests and protect scabs during strikes.
What the fuck are you talking about? You ever had a cop find and arrest someone who violated your rights? Must be nice to be that well off! Around here cops just beat students during protests and protect scabs during strikes.
Having to save us a couple hundred dollars to be able to go on a dinner and movie type date isn’t the same as just being able to do that impromptu knowing it’s okay.
Both are nice though, but one has a lot less stress overall in life.
Sadly, no one does that.
It’s the best option.
I only counted 4x6 … because I can’t count :(
Best part is that if you include the free space in the center it actually has the exact number of boxes for a full bingo card.
Yeah, no arguments there. Placebo works though, so it’s not entirely useless. It’s sugar pills and it works as well as sugar pills which is somehow quite a bit.
To overcome inflation you need returns higher than inflation. That’s it. Historically the markets outperform inflation. You’re saying things out of fear and not reality.
It’s like trading a pawn for a piece, always a good deal in the broader scale.
I think daylight savings time comes from a human need to have our day match the natural cycles of the sun (because we don’t want to fight our cicardian rhythm) and to have consistent schedules and routines through the year.
I hate it though, I agree it’s pretty arbitrary and we can do better.
That’s cool on paper but not in practice. If noon is at 12 then the solar day has to be symmetrical around that. But we don’t really spend our day symmetrically around noon. Like 6 pm is early enough that this can still do some major activities. But 6am is so early no one thinks “oh I’ll just get that major activity done before 6am”
Another example is 10 hours after noon is getting late and a good time to end the day. 10 hours before noon is 2am. If you’re awake at 2am it’s not because you’re walking up.
Let’s have a peaceful transfer of power to anarchy and kleptocracy! True madness!
The relevant GOP memo on this makes very clear the intent, as it explicitly names puberty blockers as a target. Top on page 4 in the pdf
Republicans passed this SPECIFICALLY to deny even the most basic trans care while letting them argue that they’re only protecting kids. The Republicans who WROTE it are better positioned to tell you what it will do than you sitting here trying to piece it together from random quotes.
We’re going to have to agree to disagree here. Especially your last point. To be honest it REALLY sounds like you support the law, and if you cared about factual reporting you would have also released the policy memo that shows Republicans want to use this to stop puberty blockers which are very basic trans care. So you’re not doing this for “truth”
Cost in terms of TIME is the MAIN factor we should judge our politicians on. What did they spend their 2/4 years on and how much did they accomplish? This addition to the military funding bill is a complete waste. A shameful waste. I don’t know who would argue cost and time isn’t a measure for the quality of politicians.
I’m in a country with universal healthcare and laws play very little role in the practice of medicine. Doctors have a professional association they have to be licensed by. This association does the job of ensuring doctors act in line with public interest. I’m sure Americans have the same thing. Likely one for each state. Which brings me to your last point. It’s pretty intellectually dishonest to frame doctors as mad scientist lobotomists barely restrained by a set of laws. In reality doctors independently look out for the public interest. If they did what they were legally allowed to without morals we’d all be fucked. So no, laws AREN’T what “protects us” from doctors.
I don’t think what you’re SAYING matches what you BELIEVE. Your use of exaggeration, incomplete information, and outlier anecdotal stories paints a clear pattern of intentional deception under a thin veneer of “intellectual superiority”
Looking through your comment history you’ve got a lot of backwards conservative/incel beliefs like “sex workers are predatory”, “tax dollars not spent to directly benefit YOU are a waste”, I could go on. The point is it’s pretty clear “trans kids don’t deserve healthcare” is one of them and you’re just getting better at hiding these beliefs to avoid downvotes.
And I’m sure you’re going to come out and say I’m exaggerating your points or misrepresenting you. I’m not. You talk like a conservative, you say we need laws like this to protect us from doctors experimenting and lobotomizing us. But you don’t care that laws aren’t what’s doing the protecting in those situations. And when someone points out your framing of doctors and medicine vs politicians is unfair you’ll say “I didn’t say ALL doctors blah blah blah, you’re making a straw man”. Human speech includes context and implication, to argue it doesn’t is intellectually dishonest. Conservatives always IMPLY things because then they can say “well I didn’t SAY that”. You did. Implication is speech, that’s high school English.
Yes, so you’re likely right that it’s just for show and it’s unlikely to affect trans children in any meaningful way. But WHY do we need this? If this was never something that cost money why are we spending the time of our most expensive politicians in this? Furthermore why are politicians meddling in medicine? What do they know about trans care or any other medical care? The last president thought we should inject bleach, let’s not dismiss the fact these people have no place in medicine.
They wasted a huge amount of the time they had left and millions of tax payer dollars to pass a budget restriction that will save no money and to pass legislation that converts a medical decision into a rigid law. Best of all the only thing this ACTUALLY accomplished is to make sure that trans kids and trans people feel alienated and attached.
There is no defending this egregious waste of money, idiotic meddling of politics in medicine, and this targeted decision to make trans people feel unsafe and threatened.
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That’s something I wish was do able in Ontario. Cars are downright hostile to cyclists here. One in 300 will actively try to “buzz” you or “roll coal” you in bike lanes or intersections. Even biking with my kids exclusively in protected lanes and using pedestrian crossings I’ve had more close calls than I can count. Some of these drivers (willingly or thorough sheer carelessness) go out of their way to endanger CHILDREN.
Driving on the road taking up a lane requires a lot of focus and attention to keep yourself safe from the significant minority of drivers who actively disdain you. And that’s when you move to the side to let them illegally pass you at every opportunity. If you tried to take a full lane for any significant amount of time in Ontario you will 100% be hit on purpose. Maybe not every ride, but you wouldn’t survive a summer of “using your legal right to a full lane”.
He spent nearly 1/4 billion dollars so that we could buy 24 packs of beer at grocery stores a year earlier than they would have anyways.
Maybe some developer CEOs can find their way into an unregulated submarine or get their daily dose of heavy metal!
Wait a minute… If I click through the cross-posts I end up right back here… Where did the season’s greason’s start!!!
These programs exist but bureaucratic hurdles prevented people from actually having their loans forgiven.
Biden bypassed all that and just forgave the loans. This is also what he did for the other 5 million loans. Sure you COULD argue he did nothing, but if you ask those 5 MILLION people who were paying loans that should have been forgiven but weren’t until Biden’s executive orders I think they’ll say something different.