It is because people are different.
It is because people are different.
Last action hero. I think the people don’t understand that the film does it all on purpose.
It is a love letter to action movies while acknowledging that those are stupid.
Buying the game is cheesing. You have to manifest that shit through sheer will alone.
Back to rocking the suburbs.
I disagree that we should do that.
Internet became a shit show the second everyone got a smartphone and the barrier to entry evaporated.
Needing to put in some effort to participate is a good filter for low effort people and their low effort worldviews.
I was a lurker on reddit for years. Then the Niveau of the conversations sunk so much that I had the feeling I could participate too.
After that I just lost the fear of what the responses could be to what I say.
Wenn du mich zitierst, wieso dann nicht auch den letzten Satz in dem steht das ich meine Idee naive finde?
Why was the pig allowed to touch his seat repeatedly? I felt intimidated just watching.
Also wenn wir in die Natur und auf Videospiele gucken dann ist pure Verteidigung ein funktionierende Überlebensstrategie.
Schildkröten, Gürteltiere etc.
Wenn alle deine Angriffe ins leere laufen dann hörst du auch irgendwann auf anzugreifen.
Es fühlt sich nur nicht so gut an wie angreifen, dementsprechend werden die Bewohner des Landes sich beschweren.
Denn wenn wir ehrlich sind geht es beim angegriffen werden nicht nur ums verteidigen, es geht auch um Rache.
Prinzipiell finde ich die Idee sich nur zu verteidigen gut. Aber ich halte es ebenso für naive.
I barely make it out of bed^^
But I put it on the pile of things to try to get out of the funk.
Looks good! Hope you keep going. Wish I could get myself to make something again :D
I agree with you that it is useful in the context of finding information.
But the way people use them seems more like a prison then a guideline.
Nope, it is bad-faith.
Person A: it is important to teach Russia a lesson so they think twice about invading.
Person B(you): that is easy to say when you are in no danger.
That is a strawman. You are right that it is easy to say something like that when not in danger, but this doesn’t mean it is not important to have Ukraine stand up to Russia.
After that you just waffle about stuff you wanted to say anyway.
I feel they get a lot of worth from the lore implications. How far death root spread, what enemies are having which items and in which part of the map is the catacomb. Stuff like that.
Otherwise I would say the scope was just too much. They should go back to dark souls size game world and focus on making everything more dense and unique.