InevitableSwing [none/use name]

  • 1.34K Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 19th, 2022


  • MSNBC loved him right?

    They certainly did.

    Fuck it, day release… What could go wrong?

    He starts grifting just a few hours after he gets out. “Hi, my name is Michael Avenatti and I’d like to reclaim my life from the dark forces that unjustly ruined by life and put me in prison. This GoFundMe with a goal of $1,000,000 is co-sponsored by President Biden, President Obama, President Clinton…”

    Biden could pardon him.

    I like Avenatti, jack. And don’t talk back.

  • failing train service, Michael Avanti?

    Avenatti does have a ring to it. In any case - he couldn’t join them on the stump. He’ll be in the slammer for another 17 years.

    Michael Avenatti

    He has been imprisoned since February 7, 2022. On December 5, 2022, he was sentenced to an additional 14 years for stealing millions from clients, bringing his total sentence to 19 years without the possibility of parole.


    [He] is an American former attorney and convicted felon, currently incarcerated in federal prison at FCI Terminal Island. He is best known for his legal representation of adult film actress Stormy Daniels in lawsuits against then U.S. President Donald Trump, and his multiple convictions for attempting to extort sports apparel company Nike and defrauding and embezzling settlement money from a series of other clients.

  • • Where Is Hamas Getting Weapons? Increasingly, From Israel. - The New York Times

    Israeli military and intelligence officials have concluded that a significant number of weapons used by Hamas in the Oct. 7 attacks and in the war in Gaza came from an unlikely source: the Israeli military itself. For years, analysts have pointed to underground smuggling routes to explain how Hamas stayed so heavily armed despite an Israeli military blockade of the Gaza Strip.

    But recent intelligence has shown the extent to which Hamas has been able to build many of its rockets and anti-tank weaponry out of the thousands of munitions that failed to detonate when Israel lobbed them into Gaza, according to weapons experts and Israeli and Western intelligence officials. Hamas is also arming its fighters with weapons stolen from Israeli military bases.


    [Hamas’s] manufacturing abilities are now sophisticated enough to saw into the warheads of bombs weighing up to 2,000 pounds, to harvest the explosives and to repurpose them.

    The top comment

    So let me get this straight:

    The Israelis apparently had ample intelligence warning of an impending Hamas attack a FULL YEAR prior to October 7 … and yet Netanyahu and his right wing cabinet chose to ignore those threats. Now according to this article, many of the weapons used in the attacks were from Israel themselves?

    I’m sorry, I just don’t understand why Bibi Netanyahu continues to get a pass from Israel’s citizens to remain in power? He is an abject security failure and is steering his country towards less security and world isolation.

  • This reminds me of Biden’s 2021 moronic “negotiations” with Sinema and Manchin who never act in good faith. He gave away the store and threw away his leverage. Then he asked them meekly if they’d do what he liked.

    That won’t work. In fact - it’s guaranteed to fail.

    Three U.S. officials with direct knowledge of the issue told me there was no direction from the White House to review or slow-walk weapons supply to Israel. Two of the officials told me there are some people in the administration who would like this to be true, but it isn’t.


  • The nationwide poll of 1,250 U.S. adults showed Trump leading Biden 40% to 34% with the rest unsure or planning to vote for someone else or no one. The poll had a margin of error of three percentage points.


    Seventy percent of respondents - including about half of Democrats - agreed with a statement that Biden should not seek re-election. Fifty-six percent of people responding to the poll said Trump should not run, including about a third of Republicans.


    Three-quarters of poll respondents agreed with a statement that Biden was too old to work in government, while half said the same about Trump, who at 77 would also be among the oldest U.S. leaders ever if returned to the White House. Just over half of Democrats saw Biden as too old while a third of Republicans viewed Trump that way.

  • Primaries in the US are real Americana.

    They are covered on tv in a weird way that’s part spectacle, part like sports coverage, and there’s some odd solemnity too. It’s typical for reporters and talking heads to use words like “duty” when discussing voting.

    The last primary worth watching this year will probably be the GOP South Carolina primary which happens on February 24th. For the presidency it’s Trump vs. Haley. South Carolina is Haley’s home state. She’ll probably get crushed by the Trump train that day, she’ll soon drop out, and then primary season will effectively end. And - of course - the next presidential primaries will be four long years from now.

    To watch them - there are pirate streams like this - I have no idea why some pirate domains like that one aren’t forced to shut down and continue year after year.

    I’ll leave this there…

    American civil religion

    [Robert] Bellah posits that Americans have come to see the document of the United States Constitution, along with the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights, as cornerstones of a type of civil religion or political religion.

    I don’t know if the page discusses it but there was no “two party” stuff when the founding fathers were around. The two party concept baked into many American brains to the scary degree. They think it’s appropriate and even righteousness. Some Americans are afraid to think of a future without it even if their belief in it makes no sense at all. And liberals love to talk about the “good old days” when there were “good” republicans. A related comment of mine. It poisons their brains to the point they see George W. Bush as a good guy.


    Ninja edit

    Another problem is the bipartisan love and worship of the idea of American exceptionalism.