I don’t understand the square cube law at all. It means ants can lift something 100 times their weight. Bug-sized “people” might mean MMA is awesome.
Plus - like blame commented - we’d need our brain in a vat.
I had to stop at ~0:30. Yikes.
See SacredExcrement’s comment + links in the comment - https://hexbear.net/comment/5910892
Summary: They want chaos and they want Americans to feel pain so they can win (big) in the mid-terms. That seems 100% insane to me but it also seems in (perfect) alignment with their unwillingness to even put up symbolic resistance.
Thanks. What a fantastic word.
I posted the following - I dunno when. A couple weeks ago? It was gallows humor post for obvious reasons. In any case - I couldn’t get it out of my mind for about four days. Then I forgot about it. I didn’t even remember it. I saw it in a Bluesky thread.
I wonder how much more time of gallows humor we have until sheer terror arrives. Months?
I think it’s - cough - safe to say we are reaching the c/news + c/doomer singularity
where a lot of news is both.
Gov Hochul can fire the mayor. She should have done so when the scope and scale of his cascading congenital corruption career was laid out in federal indictments. She waited for him to go to trial. Now that injustice has taken its course she is the only reason he remains in office. Step up Hochul.
She’s not going to do shit. I think at this point the dems are petrified of looking “soft on immigration”.
It’s weird there isn’t even a pretense of kabuki. I guess the dem machine hopes for Trump to cause pain and chaos so they can be seen as the only hope. But at this rate - I think even if prices soar and there are a “troubling” number of bird flu cases and deaths in the run up to the midterms - the dem base could be angry and/or demoralized. The elections could be a dem bloodbath.
Whatever their actual strategy is - they are playing a dangerous game
I wonder what Tim Apple’s gonna do.
Cory Booker had some kind of “hold firm” post about Trump’s appointments. I don’t remember a word of it but I do remember that at least two people replied back with a screenshot showing he, himself, had voted for three of Trump’s picks.
This Bluesky comment made me laugh!
They can refile the charges in the future apparently so now they have leverage to force compliance with their immigration raids.
restore sanity rally [2.0]… an actual fucking display of political action
I agree. It’s realistic for them and it’s much better than their current plan of nothing. I don’t know if you saw my most recent post. Bold move, Chucky! Lets see if the “roll over and die” strategy pays off! I can’t even imagine what their “logic” is anymore.
But the norms.
If they’re smart - they are busy saying how great Trump is on social media. Can’t be too careful.
I think it’s clear that Trump is effectively the GOP senate leader. If Trump wants some laws passed - I assume he’ll tell them to end the filibuster. That way they can just ignore the democrats. The senate GOPers know that Trump has the powers of a king. He can imprison, torture or kill anybody. Even them.
And I somehow have a hunch that the parliamentarian won’t say a thing no matter how illegal or unconstitional Trump’s actions are. Biden could only shitcan them. Trump can have their entrails pulled out and their head put on a spike.
Is the filibuster still a thing
It still exists but Trump is doing all this shit entirely out of congress so the filibuster - at least for now - doesn’t matter at all.
the floor on this thing.
I don’t think there is a floor. I think that this year (perhaps just months from now) - Trump will start ignoring all court orders. When court orders are ignored - the US Marshals are brought in to force compliance. The problem is the US Marshals work for Trump’s DOJ. So Trump stops being just a president and he becomes a dictator.
If god forbid this happens - the dems will go into quisling mode and I guess they’ll beg Daddy Trump for crumbs like allowing elections to continue.
I like how the entire dem establishment is fantastically polling brained. Except times like now when the public is screaming for them to do actually do something.
Trump tells every country in the world they must immediately invest 1% of their GDP in $TRUMP meme coins. He says “bad things - very bad things - will happen for countries that don’t.”