• 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • Look egg Is on my face.

    I misunderstood. But you can’t just assume sarcasm through text. It’s often easy enough to miss irl

    And many people are somewhere in the spectrum so it’s just a really bad idea to assume your audience is in on the joke. I might be one of them if this was really that obviously sarcastic to the average person

    You didn’t say anything that was outlandish or completely ridiculous.

  • Jarix@lemmy.worldto2meirl4meirl@lemmy.world2meirl4meirl
    2 days ago

    The privilege you have that allows to think we already have control over punching the clock.

    That’s great go do that, what are the hourly workers going to when a reduction to 6 hours is a 25% pay cut on a wage that is about half a century behind inflation… That was before covid and the astronimical rise in cost of living recently

    There’s people, a fucking ton of people, because of incredibly shitty wages, that cant buy a dozen eggs without needing to work 2 hours that same reduction you just spoke of is how much they have to work just to afford that

  • My point is being missed it seems.

    It’s not that im saying we can just stop. Being part of society, but, that if we can pick the right target, a target that will say send the right message, then boycotting something as a united front, and sticking to it, ending that one thing, if its the right thing, will do a lot of the heavy lifting, so you dont have to cancel everything that you are willing to use as long as its worth it

    There isnt anything wrong with liking things and wanting those things, but they also arent needed.

    I used 2 examples. Apple and Disney, because i think those 2 are good targets for the message ending them would send.

    Apple is the first company to cross the Trillion Dollar worth. (IIRC)

    they had products built in factories that literally had to put nets around them to stop people suiciding themselves due to the conditions they work in. Its modern slavery if not worse.

    Ending that company BECAUSE they are worth so much sends a strong message that that level of success will not be tolerated any longer. But the sacrifice is that we cant let them come back to us. And if we simply repeat for everyone else that crosses the same threshold, while still showing that it isnt that we dont like the industries they belong to, we will need to be diligent in saying, NO you have too much you are cancelled.

    Disney is different but they are so iconic. They are a culture that has grown like a cancer.

    And many of us have strong emotional memories of their IP

    Saying we reject you because of what you have become, inspite of our attatchment to them, will send the message that we dont need you if this is what you have become.

    Not sure if this helps, but its not about trying to ignore the world, its about making a united effort and sending the right message.

  • Blame the mob not the individual. Shift enough individual and the “normies” acting united, consistently sometime for years and decades will be a force of good. And maybe that first little frozen crystal that is the catalyst for snowflake in hell with enough other little snowflakes together tight enough to form a snowball can help one of them land on the magnesium that will start the reaction that will have a significant reaction much larger than the little crystal, or the snowflake or the snowball would ever expect to cause on its own.

    FIGHT for the world you want, even in small ways you may not live long enough to see. Do it because it could help, dont be apathetic and so self centered that you think what effects you, real or imagined, is the only thing worth putting some effort towards.

    Bernie marched in 60s hes still fighting today, but he was there, and he helped make a difference. Because he may be here, but it took everyone else he marched with who didnt achieve what he was able to for him to succeed.

    It happens again and again, but the examples of taking a stance, having principles and intwgrity, even if we fail, especially when we fail, to not give in to, “they are all the same so it doesnt matter” mentallity that kept people from voting and letting faschists win. Becsause they want you to give up. They want you to lay down and stop making their lives easier.

    Be a nuisance, even if its one moment, in one day in one lifetime.

    Someday you and i will be dust. But our actions now even in infinitesimly small ways can help bring about change. But giving up, laying down will always make it worse than it other wise could be.

    Thats it. The small wins add up. Not BUYING something you dont need, even just as often as you can, still helps.

  • I personally have been boycotting Nestle for almost 2 decades

    And yeah there’s times i slip or didn’t realize that something is a nestle product but it’s certainly possible to do it, without getting amishly extreme about it. But it’s possible to do even if it’s only as much as you can.

    But i think your counter argument is a little flawed, not entirely. In spirit i do follow what you mean but i think you also changed the argument as well.

    Boycotting everyone won’t work, but i think it’s important to pick you battles like any form of activism.

    And while there are evil entities that should be burned down root and all and salted for good measure, they are a different breed of problem that should also be fought.

    Boycotting is a tool, and some tools need to be used carefully to make anything useful with then, and that’s where we seem to differ.

    Taking a brand that is so iconic and ending it the way to go. Making them fill the void is a goal worth pursuing, it says watch the fuck out, this can happen to you.

    Ending apple, or Disney, would scare the every living shit out of anyone who chose to fill that void, and it will pay dividends to all of us.

    I don’t expect it to happen, but it would be incredibly effective to do no matter how inevitable that void was filled.

    Im sure this is full of holes and im not explaining well, wish we could grab a drink and discuss this, think we would enjoy exploring where we align and where we diverge

  • Unpopular opinion warning.

    The real cowards are the masses who don’t stop bitching about these entities and then keep on using them. You are enabling them and you are not just missing the ring, you are gagging on their chode

    Want to talk about courage?

    Stop buyng Apple.

    Stop buying Disney and anything it produces.

    You can start with whatever you have now being the last you will ever have.

    Burn all your socials and go out until the world around you with the people around you.

    Take your power back by sacrificing the convenience they provide you.

    Do this in enough numbers and they will cease to exist. And if it takes 25 years to accomplish it, so be it.

    Start today