Assuming it even works at all! I’ve seen it hallucinate entire libraries complete with made up function calls!
Reddit -> ->
4th times the charm, right?
Assuming it even works at all! I’ve seen it hallucinate entire libraries complete with made up function calls!
The beatings will continue until morale improves
I take “overstand” to be an antonym of “understand” in which case: Yes, I overstand as well.
Ha ha ha, ye, practical it is not! In my defense, it started as trying to solve a real problem I was having. The keyboard doesn’t have a capslock/numlock indicator, so I had the idea of using the backlight as an indicator.
Got that running, but I was having fun so I decided to make a little snake game
Showed that to a friend who made the usual joke of “ok yeah, but what about doom?”
I knew it was going to be unplayable, but I’ve never actually put doom onto something weird before and it felt like a rite of passage, so I thought why not. It was surprisingly easy! Only took an hour or so thanks to doomgeneric
I got Doom running on my RGB keyboard
I have an rg35xx h (just a generic square thing) and I’m pretty happy with it. I play mostly GBA and some PSP games on it
And this is why I went back to an iPod classic
C) All of the above.
I hope it will be considered insane that we pump livestock full of them as a preventative measure, rather than as a treatment, while also prescribing them for every little thing.
When our current antibiotics are no longer effective at all, I hope that we’ll be able to find new ones and that we’ll be much more responsible with their use. I hope that people in the future will be as incredulous at our current use of them, as we are of using arsenic in makeup.
Anybody seen that show “Leave the World Behind” on Netflix where the ultra-rich basically just get a heads up before anyone else that the shit is about to hit the fan?
This feels like that
Ye, I agree with you. I made the comment as a joke, but I don’t actually believe these people are stupid. This is a generalisation, but I think they’re largely uneducated and brainwashed, but still very intelligent, and curious people. You can see this in some of the experimentation that they do that’s really sound from a scientific method POV. The internet is littered with flat earthers disproving themselves.
The best ones admit they’re wrong, and abandon flat earth. I have nothing but respect for those people.
New Zealand doesn’t exist. Show me New Zealand on a map
(this joke works because New Zealand is left off of a stupid number of maps)
Ah, don’t worry. They’re often too stupid to realise that themselves
level 6 unlocked
“At least democrats are openly evil marxist traitors”
Mother fucker, HE SAID HE WAS GOING TO DO ALL OF THIS CRAP!! un-fucking-believable!
I sometimes feel like that IS their plan
Unfortunately that’s not going to happen. They’re something people have become accustomed and addicted to. There’s no going back now. The only hope for combating them is to come up with something at least as compelling, but hopefully less harmful. Like vaping is to smoking. What that is though, I have no idea.