Buy, Sell, Eat, Repeat,

Buy, Sell, Eat, Repeat,

Buy, Sell, Eat, Repeat,

Buy, Sell, Eat, Repeat.

  • 6 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023

  • So let me follow your logic, then.

    I’m saying I’m dumb just to “sound like an intellectual”. But saying I’m dumb actually doesn’t make me sound like an intellectual, like you think I think. I just am dumb, like I’ve been saying all this time, genuinely, with no audience other than you on a dead thread.

    Whew. That’s a pretzel if I ever saw one.

    Have you ever considered that there might be people out there who don’t think they’re as smart as you seem believe that you are?

    I’m not an intellectual. I’m a 40-something man who has seen some shit and learned a lot, but never had the luxury of a college education. Of course I’d like to improve myself, who wouldn’t? For me that means acknowledging that I’m not as smart as I wish I were.

    That said, if you wanna exchange addresses we could be real life pen-pals. I’m enjoying talking with you. You’re not as dumb as you think I am.

  • You win!!! Congratulations!!! You’re a big boy with big opinions that are right!

    For what it’s worth, I hadn’t said anything in this thread so far, so I’m not sure what you mean with your last sentence. Just pasted a link that I thought was interesting, related to the topic at hand… supporting the middle-ground position that you were asserting with your copy/pasted AI slop. Seems like you have a bias you’re working hard to reinforce. Or convince yourself of.

    Then you got standoffish about it for some reason. Maybe a lack of reading comprehension? Maybe not paying attention to who you’re replying to? Who knows!?

    You keep looking for things to be mad about, though, champ. Someday everyone will recognize you as the most smartestest and correctestest boy on earth.

  • "To understand revolutionary suicide it is first necessary to have an idea of reactionary suicide, for the two are very different. Reactionary suicide: the reaction of a man who takes his own life in response to social conditions that overwhelm him and condemn him to helplessness.”

    “I do not think that life will change for the better without an assault on the Establishment, which goes on exploiting the wretched of the earth. This belief lies at the heart of the concept of revolutionary suicide. Thus it is better to oppose the forces that would drive me to self-murder than to endure them. Although I risk the likelihood of death, there is at least the possibility, if not the probability, of changing intolerable conditions.”

    “But before we die, how shall we live? I say with hope and dignity; and if premature death is the result, that death has a meaning reactionary suicide can never have. It is the price of self-respect.”

    – Dr. Huey P. Newton