LeninWalksTheWorld [any]

  • 11 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2020

  • I agree, German kids could have resisted, there was the White Rose and shit, and let’s not forget the thousands of leftists thrown into the camps. It’s not like people didn’t know what they were doing was wrong, they just didn’t want to take the risk of opposing the regime like the peers did. And to forgive them, punishes those who did resist. That’s why Nazi collaborators deserve a swift execution along side the true believers.

  • Well Gorby purged the military leadership of the “hardliners” (actual communists) before he started his reforms. He really thought the left would be a bigger threat than the radical liberal opposition.

    He also drastically slashed the military budget and conditions for the soldiers were already poor in the late 80s. The conscription system had been corrupted and many conscripts were abused and used as slave labor. Cutting the budget made these problems worse, and then the Warsaw Pact collapsed and the army lost all their foreign allies.

    So by the time stuff starts really falling apart, the Red Army is left disillusioned and directionless. They try to intervene a few times but accomplish little more than shooting some protesters and making everyone angrier. Gorbachev meanwhile refuses to lead, and instead focuses his attention on blaming his subordinates and firing more “hardliners”. When the August Coup happens, again Gorby refuses to take leadership or even a stance on it at all, and what’s left of the army isn’t willing to risk a massacre on behalf of, let’s be honest, a desperate last ditch attempt to regain control of the situation.

    Afterwards, many soldiers could make chaos very lucrative for themselves by becoming gangsters or running drugs/arms. The death of a nation is so tragic.

  • Well Gorby sort of had a plan, but it was a terribly naive one. He really thought the liberals would be cool with him being a social democrat, but nope, step aside loser. All or nothing.

    For Yeltsin and his cronies, the lack of planning was part of the benefit, they didn’t want any of the former bureaucrats or factory directors to be part of the process at all. They just gave every citizen worthless “privatization vouchers” that would entitle you to shares in the new private enterprises but they immediately lost all value because of the economic disaster they caused. Oh and they were unlimitedly transferable, so 90% of people just sold them for cash so they could keep eating. Those who were already rich or had political connections to the new government bought them all up and volia- nearly instantaneous economic oligarchy. All the achievements of October, swept away :lenin-rage:

  • what we consider the foundations of modern liberalism (multiculturalism acceptance of gender and sexual minorities), is seen in Eastern Europe (specifically Russia/former USSR) as a controversial “western import”. It’s like the culture war in America, there are two different general cultural factions: westernizers and slavophiles. The disastrous economic changes the “westernizer” liberals brought to some parts of eastern Europe really soured their reputation. The Soviet Union and nostalgia for it are firmly culturally linked to the slavophiles, which are also consistently socially conservative on other issues (they are strongly tied to the Orthodox Church). In other eastern European countries like Poland the Catholic Church is still very dominant politically.

    So I guess the answer to your question is that a lot of eastern Europeans are homophobic and racist because they think these ideas are just more western attempts to destroy their culture. People who are nostalgic for the Soviet Union tend to be anti-western for obvious reasons, and unfortunately cultural conditioning pushes them towards these backwards views.

  • while I think joining an org is worthwhile and you should try, everyone should also know that not every org is worth your time and energy. Many are just lib shit door knocking for the Democrats, but even some “hard communist” ones will just make you sell stupid newspapers on the corner to teenagers. These orgs make you feel used, exploited for free labor even. Also especially with the communist orgs you run a good chance of befriending a undercover police officer who will fuck with you and the org, often undercovers get into the leadership position because it’s literally their job to be there unlike everyone else. So make sure you feel like you are actually participating in something you feel is meaningful. Maybe look for mutual aid like food not bombs

  • just take Leningrad immediately but also “zurge rush” (lmao) Stalingrad at the same time. Like yeah okay I’m sure the Nazis (famous for Blitzkrieg not close combat) can handle two of the most intense urban warfare battles at once hundreds of kilometers apart without getting their ass owned.

    taking Stalingrad wouldn’t even cut off the oil either the Soviets had made preparations to ship Caucasian oil across the Caspian Sea to Astrakhan to keep the military fueled. It would have been awfully inefficient logistically but they would have been able to do it.

  • Yeah basically. There was already prior political pressure from the Zionist movement before WW2, and when the UK decided to get the fuck out of Mandatory Palestine they signed off on Zionists’ plans there. The UN was then quite generous to Israel in the partition plan, and hoped that they could live in harmony with the Arab in an economic union with equal rights and everything. But then Israel, with it’s population and army swelling from post-war immigration, realized that there would basically be no consequences if they just took more Palestinian land by force (insert “it’s free real estate” meme). And well, Israel has been trying to ethnically cleanse the territory ever since.