She/her. Nothing much else to note.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • I have seen the blog post that you linked in the other comment!

    we might be abl to maek a post with defintions and pin it.

    This was closer to what I meant, though. There was a lot of discourse surrounding what exactly terms like “nonspeaking” meant.

    As for the mod team, it seems like it’s only you so far—perhaps bringing in another higher support needs autistic or a parent who takes care of a higher support needs autistic would help with that (similar to what SpicyAutism did). I don’t know the full story behind the SpicyAutism banning, however, so I can’t say much about that.

  • I am not the target audience, as I am a level 1. I was mostly a lurker in r/SpicyAutism, as I was curious about how autism affected higher support needs people. I honestly plan to use this community for similar purposes (as a medium for learning authentic first-hand experiences).

    Something I never really saw on SpicyAutism, however, were links to helpful posts. There is a lot of misinformation about autism online, and having an easily accessible repository of anecdotes from higher support needs autistics would help combat that. It could also avoid infighting concerning terminology (which I’d observed as SpicyAutism started to grow).

    I also noticed that a lot of people in SpicyAutism seemed to be slightly confused about the level system or support needs system—perhaps there could be an article on that as well.