• 3 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: January 3rd, 2024


  • They quoted me! I’m famous, now!

    MIT Professor David Tinsdale believes that concerns over automation may be overstated. “Artificial Intelligence can already beat most programmers in their three major skill-sets: writing code, automating repetitive tasks, and lying about their level of knowledge,” the Professor claims. “However, that doesn’t mean it will eliminate programming jobs. It’s just going to the nature of the work programmers do. For instance: previously, programmers spent most of their days fixing errors and writing boilerplate code. In the future, they’ll have new responsibilities – like driving an uber or filming homemade pornography.”

  • I’m also in the “I don’t care” camp.

    A lot of us just want a piece of nostalgia that the big companies choose not to produce.

    If it looks close enough that it inspires my happy nostalgia, and it plays fine in my console, that’s what I’m happy to pay for.

    If the license holders are still selling the game, I’m happy to buy from them. If not, I’m happy to buy from someone else producing reasonable facsimilies (of abandonware games).

    I get how someone could be upset if they thought they were getting the real thing.

    I haven’t, personally, felt misled by makers of abandonware facimilies.

  • I’m officially pretty un-excited for this, since it looks like it skips right over the phase where the Thunderbolts “fake it till they make it”, and it feels like a huge missed opportunity.


    That poster does a great job highlighting the acting talent they have gathered. I want this to be good.

    If nothing else, give us the chill lazy slightly entitled C-list villain Taskmaster that their fans have been waiting for.

  • Bare minimum place to start: See if you can get the team to agree that these documents should exist in every project root folder:

    • README.md - What is this even for? Audience: Managers.
    • CONTRIBUTING.md - What steps are needed to build this? What steps are needed to be able to run the tests? Audience: Developers.
    • CHANGELOG.txt - Describes the contents of every tagged release. Audience: end users.

    Stretch goal: pick a spot (readme is fine) and make a list of sources (data in) and sinks (data out). Include contact information for whoever can reset the credentials or fix the firewall.

  • I figured out how to remove most of the safeguards from some AI models.


    How do you feel about this?

    It’s another kind of power. I try to use mine responsibly, but also to give myself a break when I don’t meet my own standards.

    Some good advice I got once was that it’s impossible to “un-say” something, so it pays to think twice before speaking.

    If your gut is telling you to pause, listen to it. Wait to move forward until you feel better about it.

    As someone else pointed out, responsible disclosure is an option.

    You also have the option to just quietly enjoy a better copy of the AI than others have.

    If you decide to publish your discoveries, be aware that others will judge you for how you go about it. For me that means the two options are responsibly, or anonymously.