• 3 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • I’ve had random jaw/tooth pressure for a few weeks now that won’t go away. I went to the dentist and then a specialist, who claims I do not have any tooth related issues.

    It doesn’t seem to be sinus related so…only thing I can think of is clenching (which I don’t think I’m doing? I don’t notice it, at least? Both dentists didn’t see any related issues that would point to it) or some kind of muscle tension, which is specifically causing pressure on my top right row of teeth.

    I’m kinda at a loss at this point. I figure I’ll go to the doctor in a week if it doesn’t resolve itself. I’m assuming it’s stress related or something considering everything going on in my personal life and well…the world lol.

    In other news, the new monster hunter game is coming out soon. Which is kinda crazy to me because I didn’t finish the iceborne dlc of worlds or get around to rise at all. Where has the time gone? I’m looking forward to that!

  • “Might be fun to discover what the military does when they don’t get their paychecks”

    This might be the best case scenario. A military takeover that then gives power back to a “normal” government. Or ideally assists with rebuilding American democracy to prevent an authoritarian fascist takeover and prevent religion and companies from influencing government.

    Wouldn’t that be nice? Let me dream lol

  • Haha, yeah, I get that. I thought I would be okay on my current PC. But I guess I waited too long to upgrade, and now I basically have to just rebuild due to needing a new motherboard. I’ve been using a R9 280x and honestly, if it wasn’t for wanting to play some PC games I’ve missed out on and the streaming/video editing I would ride or die with this PC until the end.

    The 5090 just released, right? I figured in the worst case scenario, I could get whatever the next best thing is, and it would probably be something I’m happy with.

    I just wana be able to run DaVinci resolve well. Maybe multi stream(?), run vtube studio, and play the latest games as high as I can. Currently, my PC just limps along, and I’m actually very impressed that i’ve been able to push it as hard as I have.

    In terms of streaming, it’s honestly more of a hobby for the time being. Maybe one day I would go with a dual setup? I’m not entirely sure how practical that would be. I mean I have my current PC. If I could still make use of it, maybe I could go that route? I honestly don’t know a thing of how that would work or what would be needed.

  • Yea totally! I actually really like when developers can do that. I think when artificial (or genuine) limitations are placed on art, projects or whatever, it can make them turn out to be better than if you had full freedom.

    There’s a fine line between creativity and laziness that shouldn’t be crossed. But when it’s done really well I think it’s super cool

  • I’ve been trying to work my way through them. I’ve currently finished 0, 1, and 2. I played 0 twice, though, and will likely end up playing it again, lol.

    I’ve been finding it difficult to get through longer games recently. Mainly because I only play them on the weekends. They keep releasing one every year or so which is also crazy. It feels like they are just pumping them out now, so I’ll likely take another 3-5 years before I get through them all.

    I really enjoyed how zero let’s you explore. It feels like they took their time to model each area as close to real life as possible. I don’t know how true that is, but from the photos I’ve seen, it seems that way. I really liked shenmue 1 and 2, and these games feel like the closest thing I’ll ever get to that experience again.