Melon [she/her,they/them]

  • 1 Post
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2020

  • In case anyone is to be curious of my whereabouts, I am retiring this account for two reasons. One is the normal spring cleaning that should be done. 2 years! Way too long. The other reason is because I brought up this issue with purr in the moderator chat, and was not satisfied by the admin response. I felt it reflected poorly on their priorities, as they refuse to revisit the possible unbanning of purr, even if only as a gesture of self-crit and goodwill. However, the issue probably deserves to be laid to rest. Hopefully this obscure comment in a dead thread will be a graceful enough “exit”.

    I will still be :amogus: but not as a mod or on this account. I need to come up with another nice username in the meantime.

  • You’re right, u/purr didn’t deserve a ban.

    Spoilering this because they were banned for an exceptionally stupid/undeserved reason

    They were involved in a veganism-related struggle sesh 4 months ago. They brought up their discomfort seeing the language of sexual violence and slavery being applied to animals.

    They were active in a thread where a vegan doubled down on using “slavery” as a means to describe animal husbandry. That racist comment is still up, but purr got banned for reacting negatively to it.

    The ban reason was: “Constant disinformation, condescension, generally being an asshole”

    A mod also removed a statement u/purr made about being a black person.

  • Sorry this post got high in the active/all sorting, there’s going to be an influx of white people going “akshually camt halp et”

    FELLOW HONKIES: Sexuality is a very fluid phenomenon. You lonely, horny bastards should consciously construct a porn feed that’s more diverse. Your pReFerEnCeS can dramatically change within days or weeks. It’s a well-known psychological fact. Even things like severe sex or porn “addictions” are so reversible that there are psychologists who argue that “addiction” is too strong of a word to ever apply to anything sexual. I speak from experience, my PreFeReNceS changed dramatically within days of beginning a relationship with a black woman.

    edit: I lucked into having a relationship, it was unexpected and organic. Never treat minorities as training wheels to be better people. Read Marijuana420’s comment below vvv

  • Transphobia on this site is very much tied to ableism. People are primed to downbear and mock the cringey crisis posts that get made by struggling trans people, and the same viciousness never happens to the dozenth depressed cis guy that talks about how much work stresses them to their very limits.

    Sometimes, posting cringe is okay, actually. This place has never been a replacement for therapy, but god damn are people ready to pile on whenever they see a trans person who is u n r e a s o n a b l e.

  • Pretty sure it’s an original spin of this neckbeard copypasta:

    Gasps astonishingly, breaks out in cold sweat, adjusts coat H-H-Hello m’lady, what could a fair maiden as beautiful as you be doing on this fine day? I hope the damning heat isn’t too harsh on your lovely skin! Tips fedora

    If i may so suggest, would you care to join me for a sumptous repast, at my home? Smiles charmingly My personal chef has prepared a lovely meal for two, and i’d rather not let it get to waste now, would we? Winks at the lovely m’lady

    I must insist on your attendance, i can’t let a day like this go by without knowing the joys of having a dining companion with me, especially when its one as beautiful as you ;). Répondez s’il vous plaît, i shall await for you, m’lady, basked in candlelight and infront of a wonderful dinner. tips fedora again, then skates away on limited edition heelys.