Funny thing is that before all these unnecessary drugs it seemed that there were many fewer people who were nuts
Funny thing is that before all these unnecessary drugs it seemed that there were many fewer people who were nuts
As a person is not very handy around the house, I can’t tell you how good I feel about myself when I can actually fix something. It’s better than sex.
If they want a “Pay” group they should make deals with sites that are currently behind paywalls. Examples - NYT and substack. Then they create a group that offers access to multiple pay wall sites going through a red sub. It would be easy for them to sell. Why pay multiple sites as an individual when you could sub and pay to join one reddit group that offered access to multiple sites that you like and the cost is less than the individual subscriptions. It would give the current pay wall sites a larger reach and increase their profits even allowing for reddit getting a discounted price from them.
Interesting article. Clearly says the pay groups would be new groups and this wouldn’t affect any existing groups.
I prefer the Lemmy way of upvotes but no karma totals. reddit mods and admins spend a lot time keeping it an echo chamber. With Lemmy you may get many downvotes but who cares. As long as you don’t break the basic rules Lemmy doesn’t ban you for “wrong thinking”
that is both sad and hilarious
I’d guess that in most of the cultures globally regrettably it is still more desirable to be a man. And when men feel that way I am always confused. Do they think their mother, their wife, or their daughters are second class citizens?
do you like to grab hold of the hips of those big fruits
Hopefully his “dates” won’t all have sob stories looking for a handout
Or is it someone bent over?
Since the beginning of time every honest male would give this answer
You don’t win life because you have more toys than the other guy
Admittedly I am not religious, but I never understood how those that are attribute certain things to god. Seems comical to thank god when you win a game but not blame him if you lose the game. And how about your opponent? Does god actually take sides?
those who’s lives are so miserable they are incapable of having a laugh and trying to enjoy life
so much for gaining more members - just got a message that the mod is removing all posts that are not text posts. But the mod sets the parameters and you need to follow them or set up your own group.
Anyone interested in a sex group described in a previous comment. It would be text questions, sex stories, gifs, and pics. Anyone interested PM me. We would need at least 10 messages saying that they are interested and at least one willing to be a mod. I will set it up if we have enough interest.
Bet she always prefers being on top
Makes me wonder if the surfer prefers oversized cocks
I have an additional suggestion. Go to communities and look at the ranked list based not on subscribers but daily visits. Most of it is the usual political stuff that is so boring. One of the biggest communities is “shitposts”. That’s a community of just fun stuff. No, or little political bullshit. So for this group I would also feature funny memes relating to sex.
Lemmy’s problem is so many groups just don’t have enough regulars that look, maybe post, or maybe comment. You go back every few days you seen almost nothing new and you just stop going. I’ve noticed that a group will regain some life only because a new user will start posting interesting stuff. But then they get board and also move on.
Suggestions - turn this group into a combination of sex questions, sex gifs and pictures, sex stories. It could be made into THE group for sex stuff on Lemmy.
Offer frequent group members the ability to be mods here. Many frequent users got board and left. A person is more likely to stick around if they are a mod and dedicated to the growth of a group
nice ass