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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • A huge chunk of it is because the USA has a huge tax incentive for car manufacturers to make bigger cars. When fuel efficiency standards started coming in, trucks were exempted because farmers needed their trucks for farm work, it’s a loophole that encourages the manufacturers to build bigger vehicles to avoid these taxes. These massive vehicles are unusually cheap in the USA. If these loopholes regarding fuel efficiency were closed out people would be financially incentivised to buy smaller cars. Unfortunately, money talks. People aren’t all selfish, they’re just doing what makes sense for them.

  • I can’t tell if you’re being serious or not. I’d love to see you take it to anywhere!

    I assumed you were being serious about it, and if you are, you need to do a lot more work to prove any of your theorems. It might make sense in your mind but a lot of the effort in academia is translating it to paper for others to understand. You can invent new conventions for your equations but they need to explain what is going on.

    Wrapping “1/x = x/1” in a drawing of a Möbius strip doesn’t make 1/x = x/1 unless you tell us what the Möbius strip means.

  • Most of your other posts look sane so idk what to make of this. To be honest, this is complete nonsense scribbled on a wall. Nothing you have written is mathematical at all. I’m not at all qualified to make any kind of judgement on this but my first thought was schizophrenia. You should consider seeing a doctor.