• 14 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • If things would stop getting shittier, then yes. I’m not entirely sure that it applies here so I understand your annoyance, but you’re seeing “enshittification” everywhere because we’re seeing the practice of enshittification everywhere. I applaud it being called out. We shouldn’t be seeing higher prices for worse experiences, but that’s the current trend. If you’re tired of seeing the word, then it’d probably be a good idea to take a break from c/technology because I don’t think it’s stopping any time soon.

  • I would be a better husband, first of all. I’d have much more time and energy available for more than what I already do around the house plus better dates. Beyond that, I think I’d write and record a bunch of music just to share with the world, maybe try to make a few bucks off of it but not beyond “buy me a beer” type donations from people who can spare it. I really want to do a post-rock concept album before I kick the bucket, just to have a big completed project checked off. Maybe I’d write some bad poetry too until I got sorta good at it, maybe a book if I had enough to say.

    I’d also play even more video games, obviously. Maybe I’d finally hit champ in Rocket League lmao.

  • Any god who is all powerful and all knowing–yet allows this to happen–is not a god worthy of anybody’s worship. If there are such beings, then our universe may be nothing more than a child’s misplaced Tamagotchi, forgotten under their bed or at the bottom of their backpack.

    Is it better to have an uncaring god or no god at all?

  • Trump signed an executive order to put it in place later. Biden on day one paused everything to vet whether it aligned with where he wanted to steer the country. He decided to not do that by something as flimsy as an executive order and made it a piece of a big bill that was signed into law, protecting it beyond the whims of a future president. Trump’s administration deserves credit for mobilizing it, but executive orders probably don’t have the teeth to actually make that idea come true and definitely are far from permanent. Now it is the law of the land, and that’s because it went through both parts of Congress and then was signed into law. It is indisputable that charging more for insulin is against the law, and this law was a textbook case of legislating constitutionally. Big pharma has no grounds for suing or not complying, but they might’ve if it were just an executive order.

  • It doesn’t even seem to be much work now that they aren’t pretending to have legitimate rationale behind these decisions. They have a 6-3 majority, lifetime appointments, and zero oversight beyond impeachment which will never fucking happen. They’re bulletproof assholes and they’ll push as far as they feel like so long as they don’t piss people off enough to assassinate them, and it’s almost exclusively conservatives who would go to such lengths, so yeah they’re bulletproof.

  • Maybe I’m being optimistic, but I have to assume that since an adult is in the white house right now and since we know what happened on Jan 6, there will be significantly more resources in place to protect the Capitol and other government buildings around the country this upcoming January. Plus we’ve seen that the FBI got a bunch of them and charged, convicted, and sentenced them, so there’s some precedent to act as a deterrent now. The cultists may be fucking morons, but they’re also absolute goddamn cowards, so I don’t think they’ll try to “storm” shit that is obviously properly defended, especially when they know that they’ll probably be caught and go to prison for it. At least not thousands of them like last time. Maybe like 50 total will push through, but they ain’t even getting to the steps outside this time.

  • Depends on the day. If I dismiss outliers where it’s less than 20 minutes, my average is probably about 90 minutes based on checking my app history over the past few weeks. A good chunk of that is typing comments, sometimes looking up a good link to include. I usually swipe through while skimming posts and open comments for a post once in a while, occasionally adding a comment in there. I rarely post anything but comments.

    Today I’m at 35 minutes and probably mostly done for the day.