Did not know about such possibility, very useful. Thank you!
Did not know about such possibility, very useful. Thank you!
Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (1995), was on Sega Genesis for me.
As some other people suggested, I can also add vote to scaled, especially on subscribed communities.
I don’t spend that much time on lemmy and smaller communities don’t get attention in my feed otherwise. With scaled they pop up pretty often.
I tried steam link for several games in last weeks and it seems that black screen issue exists in quite some of them. My case is Nvidia on Wayland and it seems to me that could be a culprit in my case. If it’s the case for you, too - try xorg first.
Sorry, can’t help you, but interested in solution, too.
I was playing this game too much, with complex system which never actually encouraged me to play any of the games I have categorized (and I had similar system as OP). Please dear fellow gamers - don’t fall into same trap =)
Now I have only 4:
I use recent sorting, which help a lot to mitigate any kind of lock on what to play today. It’s more like recommendation
I am trying to free myself from finishing games 100% and avoid all side/boring activities, also now I’m free to pick whichever game I want, instead of planned (like work) consumption with previous system.
It has really brighten my playtime, now it feels more like joy than before.
It looks correct now.
If society tries to suppress something that will find it’s way, you will get it back, but hidden, harder to detect and maybe even changed in a harmful way.
We had it as humanity with alcohol bans, war on drugs, hateful speech bans and etc. We need systematic regulations for unavoidable, not prohibitions which will leak from all places.
Leaving it be while being explicit is reasonable.
Can’t help here, not even tried. But I don’t know if it should matter for tablet, installed stuff does not disturb you in any way and regarding your data leaking to manufacturer - same goes to other brands, too. Xiaomi launcher is fine, simple like an iPad, I would prefer it differently, but comparing tablet usage to phone - in tablet I only need to start my app (tachiyomi, draw app or jellyfin) and launcher does not matter anymore. Phone is used heavier and in more diversed way.
If you are looking for something to tinker with, it’s better to look at list of supported devices of OS you are going to install. I have stopped looking into such things, can’t help here either, sorry.
Xiaomi pad 6 is great, I bought two for me and my wife to read manga and draw occasionally, rarely we watch something, it has very nice screen and sound. It’s reasonably priced and is overall nothing to complain about if you are OK with bloatware.
Century is fine, it’s more about format, thst date goes into brackets. It helps to crawl titles via code and search for songs.
Thanks for sharing! Please format post according to community rules. Year should be in brackets.
Artist - Title (year)
Thanks for sharing! Please format post according to community rules. Year should be in brackets.
Artist - Title (year)
Thanks for sharing! Please format post according to community rules. Year should be in brackets.
Artist - Title (year)
Also not my cup of tea, but band looks curious (^^)b
TBH I don’t have strong opinion where the boundaries of FOSS are. But I can understand their will to minimize effort where you see it fits as an engineer. If they think they lack of manpower to do something, it’s their vision as they put work towards it. We can help if we like, agree, disagree or ignore. Does not make sense to blame them though, that was the point of my first comment.
It was described in open letter if I recall correctly, bottles is as special as any other project is to any other project, it depends on perspective. But beyond technical details - It is their decision as maintainers, you do not agree with it, I can understand it.
I read the drama in Twitter and PR.
While Bottles maintainer does not do a great job to politely prove the point of the patch to disable Bottles outside of sandboxed environments, he is not required to be a diplomat as mainter (though it would be better, of course) and Bottles decision makes total sense - they asked to not package their software long ago as they drown in bugs and supporting non predictable environment with unknown dependencies creates too many problems for them. I can understand that, development is hard as it is, unpredictability of environment multiplies this complexity.
They are maintainers and they do what they can to support the project, so removing donate button while packaging software done by others (who asked not to do it) is a childish move. Yes it’s FOSS, but morally it sounds a bit wrong.
We ask too much of mainters when it comes to soft skills, not all of us got these, but also not all of us are FOSS maintainers. And I think we should stop asking everyone to possess all skills in the world and react on someone’s rudeness as we are 5 (not saying we shouldn’t improve).
The game is what others said and as for what it is it’s pretty unique series and good game. But as you said - you can’t see it’s appeal right away, maybe you are like me and this game will be just boring for you. I tried to play it on PC for more than ten or even twenty hours, with friends and alone. Just doesn’t click.
That, it’s a grown up person’s dream of a place to be. At least for lots of folks out there and me)
And overall it’s a good game to play slowly for months.
I liked this song pretty much. I reminds me of another singer I heard in early 2000s, but I cannot recall exactly. Someone like Regina Spektor in Laughing at God, but not her.
I still question myself why did not I try it before as it changed my quality of waiting on different places like public transport by large margin:
Try turn based games with Lemuroid (frontend for emulators on android). No gamepad required, always in your pocket, everything works out of the box.
I’m playing psp Valkyria Chronicles and it is great. Such games are perfect format for phone, as anything where reaction and precision is necessary needs gamepad. And you either need to own a retro dedicated handheld and take it with you, or (if you have one) take cumbersome Steamdeck like handheld, which is not feasible for 30 minutes ride.