Raheem Sterling, I hope you prove literally the entirety of the footballing world wrong and show you are not done!
Raheem Sterling, I hope you prove literally the entirety of the footballing world wrong and show you are not done!
This is not correct. Bluetooth is a radio frequency communication tool. RF is part of the electromagnetic spectrum and does, in fact, "move’ at the speed of light.
We can get back on topic :) Green hydrogen still doesn’t make sense compared to direct use of energy, except in some cases (steel production and long haul flights are normally quoted as these use cases)
Hydrogen requires 40 kWh of electricity to produce 1 kg (equivalent to ~ 29 kWh). So you have lost around 30% just at production. Then you need to compress and cool is significantly to transport, which requires again significant energy and then you need to actually move it which is again energy intensive.
It would be far more efficient to simply use some areas where renewables can be built out in significant proportion and then transport the (e.g.) electricity directly to the exchange via HVDC cables where it is needed. And where hydrogen is still viable, it can be electrolysed closer to the use case.
I never said anything about hating the Saudi’s. I said hydrogen as a general energy source doesn’t make sense at the moment.
The only cheap hydrogen is grey hydrogen which helps nobody at the moment, might as well just import oil/gas instead. “Green” hydrogen is not cost effective, even with solar prices where they are - why not just build a subsea power cable if Saudia Arabia wants to send energy to the EU? It would probably be cheaper and more efficient in the long run.
Your links to household energy prices are dumb - what natural resource do most middle east states have that EU countries (e.g. Germany) do not have in such vast quantities? I’ll give you a hint, it’s used for energy production…
EU prices are currently high because the EU rejected its cheapest source of energy because the supplier turned out to be a cunt.
I don’t know if turning to another autocratic regime will be better for it in the long run, what do you think?
I never stated any positive or negative association in my comment
Cocaine has also ruined many lives. Both are horrible and some people cannot control their consumption.
I was reading a story recently about an Italian plumber’s brother doing big things with less equipment.
Ok, that was kind of funny… Felt like peak Emeryball right there. Pretty sure we fired Leno for shit like that…
You cursed us. Go wake your kid up and try again please…
The economics do not make sense. This is a fluff piece.
Kids, especially at 5, just don’t need it. It isn’t helpful or social for a 5 year old.
IMO, you shouldn’t give any gifts to kids under 10, that you don’t intend to allow them to use unrestricted. If it’s meant to be restricted, don’t call it theirs.
Also, every kid is brought up different. I don’t think they’ll be embarrassed not knowing how to scroll a touchscreen… Stop hating on your brother’s parenting styles unless it’s harming their kids. Buy him some kids scissors and glue if he needs the practice.
True, but I don’t think anyone expects a balanced US budget at this stage of global economics. IMO a loss of the AAA rating would tank the economy significantly and risk a massive corporate backlash. This will make the government’s stance untenable and cannot simply be solved by issuing unlimited debt.
This seems very odd… Can you give me a source on that? Both the shredding of federal tax income and the relation to public expenditure? It appears I have much to learn
Here’s my uneducated take, with little to no understanding of what’s going on in detail:
US public debt is at extraordinary levels. The treasury is hesitant to issue more debt and Donny doesn’t want to start his tenure with raising taxes on poor people (that will come in a few months, under the pretense to raise money for war with China or some shit). Therefore, he needs to collect money, whilst appeasing to right nationalists & business. Enter: Tarrifs.
Destroy my armchair take!
*living in most European citiies with less than 500,000 inhabitants.
Good to see Saka need to fight for his place back from injury.
Oh… :(