PhaseFour [he/him]

  • 1 Post
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 31st, 2020


  • Given the state of the world communist movement in the late 70’s - the mass murders in Indonesia & South America, the collapse of an anti-imperialist OPEC, and a USSR collapsing under its own contradictions - a return to NEP was necessary for the semi-feudal, backwards China to be capable of leading a socialist bloc in the future.

    If Deng was purged (rather, if a return to NEP was not implemented), then the world communist movement would be significantly worse off than it is now. The blockades on China, Cuba, and the DPRK following the collapse of the USSR would have been significantly more brutal, probably existential.

    We would be back at square one, as if the Russian Revolution had never happened. We would only be left with the lessons of successful revolution, no real, material gains. Successful revolutions, such as Nepal or Venezuela, would not have an industrial superpower to cooperate with. Those successful revolutions would then be forced to carry out an NEP-style program, with significantly less leverage than China had.

    If the Sino-Soviet Split had not occurred, a united communist bloc would have had the capabilities to develop large-scale industry across China. Their union would have been capable of responding to mass murders in Indonesia & South America. Their union would have had the leverage to pressure nations such as Egypt and Saudi Arabia from handing OPEC to the imperialists. In this world - a world we do not live in - Deng’s line would have been revisionist.

  • When you arrest two of your main opponents so that they can’t participate in the election, that’s rigging to and it also nothing new and happened before.

    Tsikhanouskaya and who else? And do you know the grounds on which Tsikhanouskaya was arrested?

    Given the history of imperialist intervention in countries aligned against the US empire, I just assumed he was arrested on legitimate grounds. Like Leopoldo Lopez in Venezuela (predecessor to Guiado), who was arrested for proven ties to the CIA & organizing violence actions where hundreds of pro-Chavismo Venezuelans have been murdered. Although, I’m not informed on opposition groups in Belarus.

  • In 1991, 82.7% of Belarusians voted to preserve the USSR. Alexander Lukashenko was the only member of the Belarusian parliament to respect the democratic vote of the people, and voted against the dissolution of the Soviet Union.

    He won the first post-Soviet presidential election with 80% of the vote. And he has won every subsequent election with between 77% and 85% of the vote - roughly the same percentage of Belarusians that wanted to preserve the USSR. The election results in 2020 match this trend: Lukashenko received 79% of the vote.

    It seems to me that Lukashenko is genuinely popular in Belarus - or at least, recognized as the peoples’ best option in the bourgeois democratic legislature - and the accusations of “rigged elections” are unfounded. A similar situation to Putin in Russia. Do you agree?