PointAndClique [they/them]


  • 39 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 12th, 2023


  • They’re both very relatable. My UFO story is far less dramatic but.

    I was watching the stars while camping once, just idly while walking to the toilet block to go brush my teeth. My eyes started following a satellite, which are immediately noticeable because they follow predictable paths across the night sky. Suddenly, the satellite I was following turned on a dime and reversed, roughly 170 degrees off its original course and then rapidly accelerated away until it was too fast to follow. It didn’t decelerate or visibly ‘turn’, it just bounced like someone hit it with a baseball bat. I just kinda stood there for a moment, wondering what I’d seen. My brother was nearby and I thought of asking him, it was only a year ago but I don’t remember if he saw it too and commented or not.

    I guess what could have happened is that the course of the satellite intersected perfectly with that of a shooting star of equivalent brightness, shooting in the opposite direction. I’m not smart enough to know if shooting stars accelerate like that though.

  • reflecting on a moment you felt truly alive

    Once upon a time, I went on a white water rafting trip in the New River Gorge as a small child, and we stopped at this weird bricked drainage grotto thing that felt very Indiana Jones-y to me, and most of the adults were scared to get out of the raft and swim into the grotto to the little waterfall in the back, but I was out of the boat the second they said we could. It was mysterious and wonderful and weird and exciting.

    What a lovely experience. Thanks for sharing ☺️

  • Ty for the tag. I didn’t get a notification for it I’m not sure why but I saw the post so all good.

    What interested you in this book club?
    There are many autistic comrades on hexbear so I want to learn more about it.

    Are you neurodiverse? Do you know someone who is?
    I don’t think so? I don’t know to be honest. There are things in the introduction I related to and others I didn’t (apologies for jumping ahead on a question, I felt it was better to answer it here). I don’t think I’m autistic though. I have colleagues I believe are neurodiverse and people I interact with through work and volunteering.

    What stood out to you about the introduction? Any choice quotes? Anything you relate to?
    I don’t know when the introduction ended, I’m listening to the audiobook and got to about an hour in, so I hope I’m not covering ground for the next chapter. I liked that Price is narrating it himself (right? Or did I get that wrong). No quotes stood out to me. I think I’m gunna hold back from commenting too much until I’ve listened a bit more?