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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 12th, 2024

  • I haven’t had it for almost a year now.

    How do you know this for sure? If you’re in the UK, the state of public health is laughably pitiful just like it is here in the US. Rapid tests are often months, years out of date which means they are either expired and totally nonfunctional, or they won’t catch these evasive variants at all, and in order to have a PCR done at most clinics near me anyway state insurance won’t cover it and you need to be exhibiting “severe symptoms” to get one in the first place, which costs something like $100-$150 each time. I don’t even know how many times I’ve had it because no one wants to do anything about it. I am already disabled myself with lots of compounding chronic illnesses that existed long before 2020 which means that I am well-acquainted with public health and medical facilities by necessity. They will say you are “COVID-phobic” in your chart at some places now when you request staff to mask, and even knowing you are vulnerable like they do with my decades of medical history they still won’t do it. I’ve never seen anything like this response in my life. It’s madness.

    All of this still ignores the reality that, like HIV, the acute phase passes and we don’t see or hear about lingering effects or sequelae for years, maybe a decade later, and then you are just laid on your ass or worse, and there’s all kinds of things to blame it on by then, continuing the minimization and further unmitigated spread. To call it a biblical level event is not exaggerating…and the response is always, even from people who ought to know better, “well me and all my mates at the pub seem fine so that’s that”. You’d never know looking at me that I have intolerable inflammations in my legs daily from walking to the grocery store that leaves me limping after only a few hours of movement if I’m lucky…and yet I do it every day, still. I may look fine, but I am not fine. A lot of us aren’t, and the less scrupulous of us will make sure no one else ever finds out until it’s too late. Sound familiar?

    Knowing the history of the HIV/AIDS crisis will really change your mind about this virus, I promise you. We underestimate it at our peril, like we did with HIV in the 80s (until the right people- the ones other than the f*gs- started getting fucked up, that is), and like we have with climate change for the last century. It’s the same patterns, the exact same mechanisms at play. It’s not hard to connect the dots.

  • Threads like this are a really great window into how fucked up western progressives really are about very basic and simple principles. you all want me to believe you’re going to do shit for a revolution when you think you’re invincible and constantly whining about putting a thing over your face when you go out? it would be incredible if it weren’t fucking us over all for the sake of a pint at flanigans or whatever other asinine garbage we’ve decided is worth throwing away the future. libs until proven otherwise now and forever.

  • With the way power creep tends to go in games like this I think draft is the only truly fair way to play. It flexes every muscle the game has and I love it dearly. I like commander very casually but I agree it is not usually for me. I live in a super competitive area that I don’t have the resources nor desire to keep up with anymore so even constructed formats in-person I find a waste of time often; I keep those to mtgo leagues or arena just because it’s cheaper. I always do limited events if I go to anything physically these days.

  • I haven’t played in a minute but I used to do pauper 5c tron in mtgo leagues years ago, the meta is so much faster now and there have been a couple of bans that have hurt it. Prismatic Prism and Bonder’s Ornament are gone. Tolarian terror decks can have a 5/5 out very early and tron decks are just too slow to keep up. Lots of artifact hate going around. Red decks apparently main Cleansing Wildfire these days…many such cases. I am told some mono green variants can still do some stuff but tron is definitely falling off.