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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: November 3rd, 2023


  • We don’t just give them free reign, for the most part the world promotes being selfish.

    Damn near everything we ever hear takes no one else into account. Living wage is less and less common, billionaires have all the money in the world and zero accountability, healthcare (Mostly US specific) is an overpriced scam with no guardrails, food costs whatever the fuck the people who control it tell us it costs regardless of production costs, housing costs way too fucking much, fake news is more and more prevalent and conning more and more fools.

    Its easy to see why people focus on no one but themselves anymore, its just the way of the world, toxicity is winning.

  • If we stopped constantly arguing logic and reason to people that clearly have none, and focused on discussions of how we improve the country through governance and policy, we could actually convert some of them. But If i were to imagine life as a Trumper all I would see is hatred towards me everywhere, why the fuck would I listen to people insulting me?

    Not that this would happen because at the end of the day, both sides of the aisles have their fair share of people whose political ideology is just to regurgitate what their own social circles reinforce while simultaneously be unable to withstand some minor pushback on topics and then confirming to the other that they dont know what theyre talking about. And the media will constantly put a megaphone up to this ignorant minority so the other side can confirm to themselves how dumb that side is.

    Shit half the time I try to make the point that most people voting for trump are doing so because of their social circles influence on them, and that we should try and treat them with decency if we ever want to change their minds, and I get downvoted into the floor and hear a bunch of “centrist bad” nonsense. Political parties are just sports teams to many at the end of the day, they were raised to follow one and think the other one sucks, and most involved don’t realize how brainwashed they are that they now see the other half of the country as a hostile foreign entity.

    Meanwhile capitalists rob us all blind and continue to spread this narrative that we should fight each other, so we dont unite against them.

  • So thats on me, I said “does nothing to change our two party system” when I should have said “does nothing to remove our two party system”. All this does is concentrate power into the democrats which if they had no worry of winning elections would very quickly openly turn into the Billionaire Boot Licking Society overnight. We need more political parties.

    All this being said I’m not arguing against removing the electoral college, it needs to die. But Americas problems run so much deeper than the GOP

  • The 2 party system forces politicians to do 1 of 2 things:

    1. Lie to and manipulate uneducated voters into thinking they’re the best option.
    2. Only enact middle of the road policies everyone likes to get voters in the middle to swing the vote in their favor.

    Our two party system is too entrenched to ever pass laws to remove itself, thus this will always be how politics works in the US. We should all be focused on some form of multiple choice voting like ranked choice if we ever want something different than the above, but I see no reality where the dems and gop come together and dilute their own power by making this a reality.