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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 30th, 2020

  • I think a big part of how Cuba has survived is how well it has penetrated the US intelligence apparatus with double agents

    The CIA is the most dangerous entity in the room, but because of that they think anything they do will work out because who the fuck is gonna stop them

    You’ve got a bunch of guys who think they’re civilized geniuses fighting against brainless barbarians, tricking them wouldn’t be hard with enough study

    It seems too dumb for reality, but the fact of the matter is that the best and brightest of the imperial core got outplayed by the Viet Cong, said “never again,” then got outplayed by the Taliban the same way, and all they can do is blame the Afghan people for not worshiping America enough

    If you can get away with declaring war over fake WMDs, at that point, you’ve deluded yourself into believing you control reality. You control American reality, but the rest of the world will push back; you see this with China already

    1. In high concept, people recording themselves having sex should be as unremarkable as people creating any other form of art

    2. Social alienation, competition, and hyperindividualization creates a dependency on pornography

    3. The porn industry is exploitative, particularly to young people, and sets them up for social difficulties later on given the misogynistic nature of American society–add in the lack of organization, unionization, and the societal sense that anyone in porn is a second-class citizen unworthy of justice

    So, the most ethical thing you can do is consume sexual art made by exhibitionists or others who freely provide it without any kind of coercion, until it gets to the point in the ideal future where the only people doing sex work are those who deeply enjoy it

  • Now shifting to glass/readily biodegradable paper/cellulose/aluminum would probably be better, but let’s be real.

    Americans love their snacks and treats, they half-ass recycling anyways, when they hear “recycling doesn’t work” they won’t go beyond that, they’ll just start chucking everything into the same pile (more than they already do).

    That ‘consumer guilt’ over plastic use is driven by corporations themselves in order for them to re-frame themselves as environmental heroes–see the ‘plastic-saving’ caps on water bottles or whatever the fuck. It’s a manufactured downer-upper combination mainlined right into progressive liberal ethics. Electric cars are better for the environment because they don’t pollute–oh wait, yes they do, just father from consumer observation. Solar panels will save everyone, accept for the rare earth metals and slave labor used to get them and rapid obsolescence.

    It, like everything else well-meaning, was recuperated and co-opted. Just an aesthetic now.