This is my Kbin account. I’m what some people call a Vtuber, but I just consider myself an internet dude. I like having a virtual avatar.

I’m obsessed with retro tech, and I greatly enjoy games, movies, history, language, science, and MMA. Follow me over at:

Mastodon: @Robotoboy


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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • The bad publicity hurts it a lot though. It’s not something tangible that people are going to see results in for a long, long time. It’s going to be more gradual than immediate.

    Also Reddit will retain a huge majority of people, but the quality of it’s communities will decline over time. People will find less of a reason to go there, and companies paying for data scraping will pay less as it will become much less efficient to use it.

    Think more like Facebook. Still a huge mega company that has a iron grip in the social media sphere… but largely only gets used by tech illiterate older people. It’s often quoted as the “place memes go to die” and “a place for grandma” or boomers in general. Reddit, and Twitter will essentially become similarly comparable.

    Anyone saying otherwise, is goofy. Either trying to see an immediate result… or those trying to argue there will be no results.

  • Yeah, this. It often takes a lot to kill titans of any particular industry… and like it or not, the old tech bro sites like Reddit, Twitter etc. have grown too large to kill with a single arrow or a single trip of their own.

    Instead their death often has to happen as a slow and gradual reforming of opinion. The most popular media sites have been thrown into chaos, and have lost most all of their goodwill (or what amount they may have had of it anyways) leaving them gasping for air. Facebook didn’t become “a place for old people” over night. It was a gradual thing.

    Reddit will die off. Them locking the API behind a huge paywall will hurt them, not help them. VC’s have already lost a lot of faith in the tech industry including social media. They’ll have to find a way to make money… and I’m sorry to say, but if they couldn’t make money all this time, they probably won’t really ever be able to.

    The age of high valuation with promises on return are gone.

  • Silicon Valley is feeling the backlash of not being able to deliver on their promise. The entire sector has been funded off the promise of forever growth, inflated valuations based on easily manipulated numbers and the concept that tech is the future.

    Which yeah, tech IS the future - but it’s not the future because some sociopathic individuals are good at social engineering.

    It’s a panic. Musk never intended to buy Twitter but was essentially forced to… and has ego issues. So instead of allowing it to function and making edits to the business model (that was already failing) he has simply shown that he has no idea how to run a Social Media platform. So he tries to exert force on his userbase so that he can monetize them. Reddit’s CEO sees this powerplay, and that a vast majority of Twitters userbase stuck around, and didn’t immediately leave, and decided to play the bullish part as well. Twitch has always suffered operating at a loss, so I can only assume Daddy Amazon has forced them to start making bigger changes to make a profit finally. Discord… well Discord is still mostly in its infancy. It’s not completely a dominating force in the industry and it knows it. That’s way their changes come much more incrementally.

    If it’s one thing you’ll notice about big tech, it’s that they have always operated at a loss. They grew, and their services kept expanding because Venture Capital kept coming in at the promise of this future mythical profit. Their model was never sustainable though.

    The number one lesson to learn from all this is that investments are just a game for the rich… and I’m going to be real, they’re often just as stupid as your average moron.

    Moving on to the ActivityPub protocol will be for the good of everyone. It’s a bit of a return to the old net… We lose some convenience for the benefit of freedom.

    So yeah, they’ll continue to make stupid decisions and ruin their companies… but keep in mind that ActivityPub and the Fediverse isn’t immune to these sociopaths. We may well see a well funded VC backed venture that uses the protocol.

    We’ll just have to see how this holds out.