Partner is a teacher in a deprived area and parents have physically engaged with teachers on more than one occasion.
But even in my job which has a publicly known phone number people are finding it perfectly reasonable to shout down the phone despite nothing having gone wrong with their process.
People are getting more aggressive and it’ll be a mixture of things. Partially cos everything is fucked, but also, certainly in my case, things like Amazon have changed people’s expectations. They get something the next day, if they don’t like it they get a voucher no questions asked, or if they want they can scam the system.
Works fine for Amazon, doesn’t work fine of you try to force that business model onto already stretched public services. If they’re told their kid isn’t behaving or performing they’ll go on the attack and act like a shitty customer rather than a parent.
It’s always the way, goes back to Dead Kennedys “nazi punks fuck off” and further.
I think aggressive music will attract aggressive people, and bigots sure are aggressive.
When the descendents put out a track celebrating Trump losing, all the comments were “keep politics out if your music” as if they hadn’t always had political leanings in their work, and if punk/hardcore isn’t one of the most politically charged genres.
I think the actual scene is a lot nicer. Go to a show and people are mostly on the level. Look at online discussions and you’re more likely to find the people who fight in moshpits and get upset that women exist.
Keep at it! Lots of hardcore folk are sweethearts and I have met more good than bad from all areas of the hardcore spectrum!