RyanGosling [none/use name]

  • 131 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 3rd, 2023


  • That’s not even the absurd part in my opinion. The dates for Easter and Jesus’ death changes every year. It makes zero sense. Christmas is on the 25th of each year which makes sense because it’s consider his birth day - and yes I know the story whatever. People still consider it his birthday, and as such, it must be the same day every year - but for some reason we celebrate his death and resurrection on completely different dates each year.

    The historical explanation is because of competing holidays around the same time, but socially it makes no sense because this is not how annual occasions work. Imagine if “July 4th” was celebrated on “the second Thursday of every July” and it could be the 2nd, the 3rd, the 8th, etc.

  • Reading Berserk gave me some new perspectives on violence. Or really it just gave my existing perspectives some nice graphics to look at. In the series, the protagonist experiences horrific things from the moment he’s born, and he loses what little hope he found several times. He sets on a life quest of extreme violence to get vengeance, but quickly realizes that all it does is makes him feel empty and depressed and alone. But he later finds kindness and love in new friends and family and repurposed his violence to preserve that.

    We all should seek peace and kindness in our life. But that doesn’t mean we must accept evil being inflicted on us or others. And sometimes the only way to preserve or create that peace and kindness is through violence. Don’t get intoxicated by violence and don’t make it your purpose in life, but if you find yourself in such a situation, then the person threatening that harmony must be disabled or put down like a rabid animal if necessary.

    Alternatively, consider abuse and self defense as a microcosm of war time conditions. During war, we cannot prioritize re-educating the enemy. They will either be imprisoned or shot. Once you are in peace time, and the threat is far away from you, then you can consider forgiveness and re-education and reintegration.