
  • 128 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • There are quite a few studies with the opposite conclusion where there is no change in behavior. One thing that could explain this is a push up to a higher tax bracket for participants vs the control group. A portion of their income falls into a higher marginal tax which is less of an incentive to work. This also does not report on expenses which also might drop. Instead of having to take high interest loans, that extra $12k can avoid cong to take pay day loans to make rent or not pay 15% on a car loan. So while working Indonesia may drop $500/yr, equivalent expenses likely dropped even more.

  • and much more investment in charging infrastructure.

    This one is now the key. The vast majority of complaints now revolve around usable charging infrastructure. The people who rely on fast chargers (we should be making it so those are unnecessary for 99.5% of times) are finding many of them either broken, have the cables clipped, or they don’t charge at the rated speed. Two of those things can be fixed with proper maintenance and the cable clipping can be fixed with proper security. Honestly, we need to incentivize PUDs to setup fast chargers. That will make EVs more attractive in rural areas and eventually provide a new source of revenue.

  • The CSPOA unsurprisingly has its roots in white supremacy. The idea started through the writings of Christian Identity (white supremacist) minister William Potter Gale about Posse Comitatus which considered the county sherif as the highest government law official. White supremacist groups continued the idea throughout the 80s and 90s. When I grew up, I had always heard of talk of “constitutionalists” up in the mountains that were fine dealing with the sheriff’s departments but claimed they would shoot federal officers on site. The reality is that they were not constitutionalists at all but anti-government racists who tried to hide their racism under a very thin veneer of faux constitutionalism.