• 3 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 24th, 2023


  • I get how it is easy to justify and I understand people are so obsessed with beating trump that they will cast aside all other doubts but the truth is that a vote for a Biden Harris ticket is not a vote for a Harris/??? Ticket. The threat of fascism is also not going to stop with trump. The moves made here will be treated like am exception but will become the norm.

    Regardless of how I personally voted, I see this move as another example that the illusion of American democracy has been dead a long time. Maybe even since Bush v Gore. Primaries suffered a death blow in 2016 and finally kicked the bucket in 2024.

  • Find a Democratic solution maybe? Run an actual primary with debates in the first place? An open convention? Allow challengers on the ballet consistently? Not work behind the scenes to push Biden on everyone in 2020 and beyond.

    If you dont understand why someone is disillusioned with the “choices” in this upcoming election you have bigger problems than all that impotent rage on display in your reply.

    Tired of shills and sycophants crying about optics and putting these power hungry parties above values and real issues. Average Americans have to choose between paying rent and eating. Cant afford a doctor. Have to work 3 jobs constantly worrying about the future of the planet.

    If dems want to win they have to win on issues. Blue no matter who may be popular with you, but it doesn’t resonate with the general public, leftists, people who cant make ends meet. Dont let your fear let you lose sight of the issues.

  • Nothing says fair, open, and transparent democracy like party insiders choosing the next candidate in a well organized cascade lasting 48 hours…

    Edit you know im just gonna edit to say it here.

    None of you feel powerless here? You dont feel lied to because the DNC forced Biden on us in 2020 with the rationale he’s the only one who can beat trump. They rushed through a lame duck primary giving no other candidates play because he’s the only one who can beat trump.

    Four years theyve been saying he’s sharp as a tack you just dont know him like we do. Now it turns out he cant beat trump so they just shove californias top cop in his place transfer his delegates and force kamala on us.

    Am I the only one which things the emperor has no clothes or what

  • Seasm0ke@lemmy.worldtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldTitle
    2 days ago

    Thats why im probably going to check the Claudia De LA Cruz box but im still not sure tbh. Maybe if more people vote their conscience the DNC will try and earn my vote or run a candidate I believe in and have a fair chance to select, but so far I dont think these boxes change a damn thing.

    The guy in office even told me nothing will fundamentally change when he took over from trump and he was right, so im not going to place too much importance on the boxes and start focusing on things I believe in. Like food not bombs, peoples city council, and my local tenant Union.

  • Seasm0ke@lemmy.worldtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldTitle
    2 days ago

    I dont think you’re saying anything at all honestly. Ive been fighting the right and the slightly less right for decades. From occupy to agorism, protests, illegal community support, tenant associations, volunteer work, food banks, so its pretty hasty for you to claim I have no vision while you speak on Jack shit but milquetoast half assed DNC apologism about how the openly fascist are 50 years ahead and you dont even know what to fight for but you’re convinced incremental change is the way.

  • Seasm0ke@lemmy.worldtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldTitle
    2 days ago

    Im afraid we have lost quite a bit already by following the status quo. Reproductive rights was a big recent loss you may have heard of.

    Alternatively no meaningful change has started at the ballot box, its been direct action and civil disobedience. The system seems to have a slow methodical approach to considering new rights, and removes them on a whim.

    Either way what I am saying is, I am not mindlessly supporting the status quo unless the move toward me. They’ve been moving away in a steady March for decades. I lost faith that change would come about through the electoral process during Obamas term and again during the 2016 primary.

    If you want to prop up the DNC thats your right, but im not going to do it simply because they arent trump. I can vote PSL again without guilt because I have no real power or choice in the electoral system and thats not my fault.

  • Seasm0ke@lemmy.worldtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldTitle
    2 days ago

    Or maybe the leftists are disenfranchised by a first past the post system that doesn’t represent them, does not care to compromise to get their support, nor will adopt any part of their platform and instead continues moving the the right becoming the “law and order” party until the only perceived choice left is to withhold electoral support until policy demands are met?

    Nah they’re just brats and demand representation instead of shutting up and giving total devotion to whoever the DNC chooses for them like the rest of the saviors of democracy who vote blue no matter who.

    Sincerely, still undecided