Absolutely adorable 😍
Absolutely adorable 😍
Oh NOW democrats wanna pass shit? Stuff isn’t moving at a snails pace anymore because it looks good for your exit huh?? My government is a god damn embarrassment…
Glad someone else noticed this uptick in him being with his kids in public more.
Who hurt you?
But…we got video evidence of someone already having murdered a ceo. It didn’t seem to stop the ceo from getting shot tho, remarkable. 🤔
Over compensating when an injustice is learned. We don’t change anything meaningful, it seems, and when this happens, we create a whole new problem
Warms my heart to see Hunt on here.
Them and alot of Millenials unfortunately, I quit FB about 9 years ago and when ever I run into someone I know they always wonder why I’m not on FB anymore.
I feel this one hard, I loved his Ghost Machine stuff too. Can’t do FFDP…
Hmmm, Trump saying some sane stuff? Elmo is saying he supports AfD? Sounds they are already starting the “passing of the republican torch” process.
I like the way you think 😉
I usually respond in Spanish as a white dude, the confused looks are priceless
This kicks so much ass!
Typical, the truth finally comes out but far too late.
Cherry NOS energy drink
Christ, it’s everywhere, how depressing.
Nope, but Extraordinary was a great show.