Smeagolicious [they/them]

  • 9 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: September 21st, 2020


  • Wasn’t my teacher but my brother had an AP world history class where the teacher couldn’t be fucked to pronounce Chinese names correctly - went off about “Zee Jinping pong [RACIST RHYME WITH PING PONG] who cares…”

    I had a libertarian history teacher in HS who had the class watch V for Vendetta and had the class do projects about it; she was convinced the regime in V was a leftist state.

    Maybe some people shouldn’t be allowed to teach impressionable kids.

  • Yes, that demon is literally a concept of Evil given physical form

    Even then, in my worlds I still occasionally like to include the edge cases of outsiders rejecting the evil of their archfiends (or overlords, what have you) and, if not redeeming themselves, sometimes being a little bit more chill (sometimes still morally dubious but in a more fun way).

    I think my tendency towards a historical materialist lens has really affected my worldbuilding lol. I always like to logic out how outsider societies would work in my settings given such concepts as soul-corruption, damnation, souls as currency, immortality, and on and on. I find it much more interesting that way.

    Yeah a fiend society and most fiends are “evil” in a similar way to any of the truly evil empires in our world and their supporting people are - with the added fun factors that a large percent of the population may literally be harvesting damned souls, or be born from the greed/hate/lust/jealousy of former mortal souls. I like a demon not having to be 110% inevitably bound by their origin