SoylentSnake [he/him, they/them]

  • 1 Post
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2020


  • started typing something in more detail, but i’ll keep it simple and say that i feel where you’re at, i ended my partnership of almost 9 years about a year ago and while its been a tough year in many ways, it was the right choice. you should always listen to that inner voice about these things, it leads to either ending a relationship that isn’t meant to be anymore (which is in everyone’s benefit long-term, even if it doesn’t feel that way), or having a frank-but-difficult discussion that leads to mending the parts of your relationship that aren’t working (though in this case it sounds like your mind is already pretty made up). best of luck to both of you at this deeply painful crossroads, i hope you both come out on the other side better for it.

  • is attachment style legit? i have an inherent distrust of most pop psych trends but…

    personal relationship BS

    at the same time anxious attachment really describes my ex to a T, it’s kinda uncanny. also very validating to read something that seems to so clearly fit their patterns of behavior that i eventually decided i couldn’t deal with anymore? they were so devastated by the break up and so badly wished i hadn’t done it that i still haven’t been able to shake the guilt around me doing something “wrong,” but seeing others who couldn’t handle similar dysfunctional relationship patterns makes me feel kinda “seen” to put it as cornily as possible.

    anyway would def be down to read more on this subject in a more legitimate/rigorous format than internet posts and tiktok and shit…

  • tbh despite the weirdness of being in the same org i think you should just talk to them directly about this, taking extra care to make them feel safe saying no if that’s where they’re at and to make sure they know you care about them as a person regardless of outcome and to have them feel safe that you won’t push any boundaries. you’re gonna drive yourself insane trying to read tea leaves like this. like someone previously said, idt the DSA Sex Pest would have the same trepidations you do so i trust you’d handle things respectfully.

    that said ive gotten in trouble having “shit where i eat” romances blowing up and ending poorly and bringing down quality of life for everyone within the vicinity so what do i know shrug-outta-hecks

  • COMPLETELY anecdotal but i’ve had much less success (solely in terms of quantity of matches) on Hinge (which forces you to list your height) vs Tinder (where I leave it unlisted), plus i’m more the stereotypical “hinge type” (sensitive softboy). it’s a thing on the apps IME but it’s some smoothbrain shit to blame individual women rather than patriarchal norms of attraction and beauty. and like yeah some of them on there are insensitive and dickish about it but that just filters someone you probably wouldn’t like? plus the apps incentivize all kinds of callous and inconsiderate shit.

    (fwiw i’m 5’6", shorter than the male average but taller than most women in the US).

  • dating

    how do i avoid getting attached too quickly to someone I’ve only known for a month and change oooaaaaaaauhhh i’m trying to keep a potential “roster” going but i hated talking on the apps even before meeting someone w/ promise, now its even more of a chore and i feel even more demotivated. also i feel like that’s a bad reason to try to keep multidating (you should do it because you enjoy it and you like making those connections, not using people as plan Bs or means to the end of guarding yourself). i know it’s fine to get excited about someone and normal/healthy but i also feel myself not protecting my heart as much as i should be…

  • ey good to see!! as some of ya’ll probably know i’d been more informally megathread posting about how patriarchy and conventional masculinity hurt us men and men-adjacents, good to have a dedicated space to discuss (among many, many other things) how it emotionally warps us and how we can show up in our lives as more caring and sweet people. Also could be a good avenue for venting about things like the ways in which modern dating norms hurt mascs (which while not as bad as femmes, are distinctly different and soul crushing in their own ways) without clogging up other feeds. Idk just my two cents, not at all comprehensive!