T_Doug [he/him]

  • 1 Post
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 1st, 2020


  • Answer: Idaho introduced term limits to all state offices after a 1994 winning ballot measure introduced them. Then, in 2002 the State Leglislature struck down the proposition and removed all such term limits from the State’s government.

    Unless the Neolibs claim that Idaho is a dictatorship, I have owned them by their own logic and surely they will have no choice but to admit that they were wrong?

  • You’re wrong, and Zizek has probably one of the best takes on the movie.


    His point is that Leftists authors are wrong to so frequently idealize the working class, and make them into paragons of moral actions.

    Wealthy people, like the Parks, can afford to be kind, they can afford to be generous in the same way that Bill Gates can afford to be nice to everyone he meets and leave a $10,000 tip every time he goes out for dinner.

    Workers being ground up under a wheel of oppression don’t have the luxury to be moral, they are forced to do what they need to survive. And if they live in a society with little class consciousness (like modern South Korea) they are almost certainly going to view ruthlessly looking out for their own interests as the only actions they can take to escape from wretched conditions.

    The point of Parasite is that we should address the conditions which force the Kims into behaving as they did, acting like it’s because of personal moral failings that the working class doesn’t band together and achieve class consciousness is plain wrong.