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  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: November 10th, 2023


  • It has been growing, but it depends on the community the people who are submitting posts of each community. It also depends on the engagement of the discussion and whether participation decays or is allowed to decay into toxicity.

    I think Lemmy could be doing a lot more than Reddit, like showing who votes what, but people want the ability without the responsibility or transparency. It’s ironic because not only is it perfectly visible to the admins, but there are ways you can get a pretty good idea of who’s performing them as a normal . It would help not just in the sense of getting a better idea of why or where someone is coming from and prevent false suspicions, but it would also allow you to keep different groups of users whose recommendations might be something you would like to prioritize over other submissions or whose moderation you’d like to favor over the standard. Abusing the transparency would be easy to denounce and moderate, too.

    In regards to the modlog, I don’t think it’s doing enough, the text in the reason field might as well be “word” and the transparency isn’t compensating for the lack of a resolution process that many if not all social networks seem to want to skip. There are still things like no notification of mod actions that affected your comments or your user, and some decisions, like allowing mods to ban you, remove some of your comments while allowing others to remain, shaping or serving a narrative without giving you the ability to delete or edit your contributions while the ban is in place, give foreign instances and communities more power than they should have.

    There’s no way to contest modlog actions within the modlog, and the maturity of the people has been proven to be very, very questionable when they’ve been outed. It has also adopted reddit’s policy of obfuscating the moderator performing an action even though creating an alt is easier than ever and many of them already have them, which works against the supposed commitment to transparency.

    But it’s very slightly better than reddit’s, and there’s nothing like shadow bans here. Parting observations, don’t feed your carnivore pet vegetables if you aren’t prepared to go all the way to seek and get an approved diet and dietary supplements for a bonafide veterinary, and it’s funny seeing all the anarchy people not have a problem with the present power imbalance between the users and the leadership within the current system, but then again, they have a nice instance with the label.

    Overall, fuck spez.

  • The problem with your comment wasn’t that private prisons are a problem, it’s the conspiracy of implying they are wholly responsible for the drug war. The private prison system abuses an opportunity, but they are not the ones defining and creating those opportunities.

    You are ignoring how international the criminalization of cannabis is by looking at facts through rose tinted glasses. Check the link to your map again, it is not “decriminalized” in many EU countries, at best it merely labels them as mixed and does so subjectively, since in many cases it admits it is illegal but applies a subjective criteria to determine what makes it mixed. It’s also unclear why in Germany it opts to mark it as approved/decriminalized because medical marijuana is allowed, when many of the mixed labels are the same as well. Read my original comment again, my criticism doesn’t really apply to medical marijuana.

    Using the excuse that there are worse drugs is just whataboutism 101. There’s a reason those examples also have heavy legislation surrounding them in most countries, but I would argue that our societies are still struggling to deal with their negative consequences. Now we are adding more drugs into the mix that are complementary to those, making them more potent, and even affect the same risk groups. But what I’m also worried, beyond negative side-effects and addiction, are the psychological consequences.

    Feeling like shit is something evolution left so that we could shape our relations and priorities with, to, and versus society. When it’s too much then you have depression and it can be a medical condition, but you are supposed to feel like shit because the circumstances are shit, you are supposed to deal with shit, and you are supposed to gain experience from other times you deal with shit because the gravity of shit usually means of having to employ approaches that are shitty and need to be particularly nuanced to avoid making them even more shittier.

    Psychological studies aside, as someone who lives near a drug dealing hotspot, it isn’t the addiction or the negative health consequences making a lot of drug users act like shit, it’s the erosion of the capacity to perceive what’s right and wrong because you are always giving yourself a transcendental pat in the back even when surrounded with the people who have committed violent crimes to sustain their drug habit. Drug users can become jerks, and yes, you don’t need drugs for that, but there is already enough toxicity in the world, it adds more of it. More importantly, maybe you do need to become a jerk but by taking drugs you won’t really know whether it’s really the drug making you become a jerk.

    And yes, addictive food should and is becoming criminalized. That’s why some countries/states are putting taxes on junk food and soda. The effects are negative, they are addictive, and even psychological with some of the shit that’s allowed. Food and beverage companies aren’t your friend, Coca-Cola was Cocaine-Cola at one point of its history. Don’t get started en excessively sugary cereals and refined carbohydrates that may be linked to the increase in autism. Again, whataboutism.

  • You aren’t calling out, you are gaslighting, and hopping on arguments made by others.

    First, by trying to miscontextualize my reply to a comment suggesting it was a conspiracy by the private prison system. Please try not to answer for other people for an argument you couldn’t bother to make.

    Second, where am I denying the negative consequences of other drugs? Or also not criticizing alcohol? Your argument here seems to basically be there are things that are as bad or worse. It’s whataboutism 101, it fails the basic logic check that I also don’t criticize other drug abuse in my comments.

    My concern is with marijuana because we are dealing with a post about marijuana. I also consider it more potent than alcohol in terms of its psychological affects, but it clearly affects the body differently and in many other ways can be considered less potent - but not in the way I’m concerned about.

    The risks for marijuana usage are well known, and it is addictive, but we aren’t talking about retaining the same medical controls as we apply to other drugs, we are talking about legalized recreational use. I have those same concerns regarding alcohol abuse, a problem that still exists no matter how legal it is even without adding cannabis into the mix. And they are quite complementary, even affecting the same risk groups.

    Your comment is swinging rapidly through moods as it is in logic. If there’s a cause on your side for it, I’d recommend you tone it down. I’m only stating my concerns.

  • Online games are different because you control the hosting and the service has much higher upkeep. Don’t try to apply the same shenanigans to single player games. Also pissed me / pisses me off that they started doing this Borderlands 2+

    But then they say,

    Despite the massive backlash and more than a decade of memes, Horse Armour DLC’s popularity was proven by the wallets of gamers. While Bethesda was being flamed for releasing the paid content, the numbers don’t lie, and gamers were actually very interested in paying for the DLC

    Their main market focus is on whales now. They make it very clear, they see the Horse Armor DLC as a success story.

    I don’t know how people there are like me, but I have forked over a lot on TES:O that I will no longer ever fork over again, and I regret having fueled their foray into single player. I will not preorder TES6, and I will have to wait for discounts to begin applying to their new franchises. As someone who was deep into TES lore, I will no longer care about TES6’s monetization or their attempts to tie into and guide players into TES:O.

    But whales… Whales never change.

  • Say what you will about him, but he still links to the videos he reacts to, allowing me to immediately click on them if a recommendation for his reactions ever pop up. I think our monkey brains still try to look to see the reactions from the group (hence karma scores) to determine how to approach a topic, and they fill in the void that is absent in streaming platforms. So now, we have more personality cults than ever before and the hidden agendas that try to subvert them to their interests (Cambridge Analytica, now Emerdata, only one example because only they were brought to court).

    Still, opinions aside, reaction videos should be forced to share revenue with the original content creator. And if its supposed to be criticism, they should learn how to do it without reaction videos. Only the platform can really begin to do this.

  • Oh, wait, they have genocide built into their religious books now, do they now?

    “From the cities of these peoples which YHWH your God is giving you as an inheritance, do not let anything that breathes remain alive. You shall surely annihilate them (haḥărēm taḥărîmēm) … just as YHWH your God has commanded you so that they may not teach you to do any of the abominations that they do for their gods, and you thus sin against YHWH your God” Deuteronomy 20:16–17

    Oh, yep, nevermind, I can see it, carry on.

  • I’m not a fan of alcohol either, which is also why I commented on it. I’m even considering whether I should lay off of caffeine because of its effects as a stimulant as I grow older as a longterm user of it.

    The problem I have with your logic is that it delves into the line of conspiracy. Sure, the private prison system is abusive, but if it were as bad as you say they would be arresting people from jaywalking. It’s also generally illegalized outside of the US except for a few specific tourism hotspots, which even I would agree are not a risk factor.

    Government are very aware of the effects of drugs and was even weaponized during the Opium Wars. They do generally have some interest in a stable society. Legalized marijuana may be viable, but my impression of it is that it’s not without risks and it has certainly be politicized more than it should when what it really needs is an objective perspective that is difficult to attain.

  • Weed can be classified as a depressant, stimulant, or hallucinogen, alcohol can be classified as a depressant or stimulant, but what I’m concerned about isn’t about those distinct effects, but the psychological effects.

    Our bodies have had millenniums of evolution to optimize for social and personal development, and not only is it falling behind with the size of modern societies, but this is an external override of the system based purely out of an ability to buy it. The psychological effects of drugs were one of the key driving crisis behind the Opium War, I think it’s sensible to consider whether society can handle the longterm consequences for this. Even Amsterdam’s government is constantly struggling to determine where to draw their line. Doesn’t matter what year you search about it, if you look for news about Amsterdam’s marihuana it will always have articles about issues regarding its regulation.

    I hope you are right, but as someone who is not interested in consuming it and does not wish to see it appear in small letters under general store labels and who is already in a higher crime zone because of the presence of drug dealer hotspots and the people who’ve become dependent on drugs, I’m just concerned about how it will affect my way of life.