He claimed they face racial discrimination under South Africa’s land-reform law
“We are attempting to undo the hundreds of years of damage caused by racist white European colonizers”
The racists: “That’s racist.”
He claimed they face racial discrimination under South Africa’s land-reform law
“We are attempting to undo the hundreds of years of damage caused by racist white European colonizers”
The racists: “That’s racist.”
Hi my user name is TimeSquirrel I like squirrels, Scifi, C++, EDM, electronics, smoking weed, and aviation/aerospace.
“Why TF is this one-page document half a gigabyte?”
I’ve been infuriated how many upper management types in the federal government have just been rolling along with the shit
A lot of people think we are still doing business as usual as a country, and expect there to be another election in 4 years. These kind of people don’t think too deep about politics and their consequences. “Can never happen here” syndrome. They’re all used to the United States just being as solid and stable as a rock, because that’s what it’s been all their lives. Completely unaware they are laying out a red carpet for fascism, because “fascism is just that thing we all fought in WW2 and there’s no possible way we can become that too.”
You gonna throw away that core? That’s still useful!
My hate goes back to the 90s. I don’t know, maybe he actually feels bad about what he was back then and that’s the reason for the philanthropy, but he’s still got that stigma for me. I still see “embrace, extend, extinguish” written across his face. He’s the reason the web stagnated for years when we were all stuck using IE. He’s the reason why Linux isn’t offered as an OEM OS. And many more.
The zoomers are vaping cannabis extracts these days, no need for alcohol.
I can’t shop there often myself, I always walk out with even more Adafruit/RPi/Arduino shit I’ll never do anything with.
Yeah, I had a previous job that contracted with the Army, and thus we had access to NIPRnet. The policy was that once a device such as a laptop was set up to access it, it was never to be plugged in to a civilian network ever again, and completely wiped and destroyed at the end of its life.
These numbnuts just waltz in with their own box, plug it in, and everything’s fine and dandy? WTF.
Is there a way to distribute it so everyone just has parts of it? Aren’t there p2p cloud storage solutions that exist?
I don’t think any of our classical open licenses from the 80s and 90s were ever created with AI in mind. They are inadequate. An update or new one is needed.
Stallman, spit out the toe cheese and get to work.
Good old federal funding, the arm that never stops getting twisted.
It’s art. It’s not real, and it’s not hurting anybody in real life. We shouldn’t ban things because they make you uncomfortable, we ban them when they harm actual people.
Edit: this is in no way an endorsement of that particular fetish. I personally think it’s sick and disgusting. But it’s not my place to tell someone else not to enjoy it if nobody was harmed in its production.
It can do that just fine, because it has seen enough examples of working code. It can’t directly count correctly, sure, but it can write “i++;”, incrementing a variable by one in a loop and returning the result. The computer running the generated program is going to be doing the counting.
I had Schnitzel instead of chicken-fried steak.
The janky cobbled-together UIs straight out of 1994 are part of the charm!