• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • From their terms of service:

    They (private repos) are also allowed for really small & personal stuff like your journal, config files, ideas or notes, but explicitly not as a personal cloud or media storage.

    I’d guess that most private git repositories are small enough to fall under this category (unless you track large non-text files in git). This also seems like a very reasonable policy, considering that they’re a non-profit and they want to focus on supporting open source projects.

  • TritontoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldAnybody Using Nebula?
    9 months ago

    I’m using nebula to remotely access the raspberry pi in my home network and it mostly just works. The dual setup for nextcloud might be a bit more tricky, at least if you want to use HTTPS. You’ll probably have to set up a reverse proxy in Nginx for at least one of the routes, since they need different certificates (although since Nebula already authenticates and encrypts your traffic, HTTPS is probably not necessary there).

  • From the “methodology” page:

    The more a country was perceived to exemplify a certain characteristic in relation to the average, the higher that country’s attribute score, and vice versa.

    Both the title of this post as well as the title of the article (“These Countries Have the Strongest Militaries”) are misleading at best since they just compare which countries are associated with having a strong military by the people they surveyed. I’ve never seen any reputable source claim that Russia’s military is comparable to that of the US, let alone superior.

  • The problem seems to be that home.stateVersion is not set because you commented out both the declaration in flake.nix as well as the line that imports home.nix. It’s a bit difficult to see whether the config is otherwise fine since there is a lot of visual clutter due to all the commented-out lines.

  • First, you need to pass the plasma-manager input to your home-manager config in some way. I use the NixOS module for home-manager which I declare like this in my flake.nix (if you have a different setup, this might not be necessary or you have to do it in a slightly different way):

    homeManagerModule = {
      imports = [home-manager.nixosModules.home-manager];
      home-manager.users.myusername = import ./home.nix;
      # This will give us access to the inputs in the home-manager config
      home-manager.extraSpecialArgs = {inherit inputs};

    Now the home-manager config (in my case home.nix) can look like this:

    }: {
      imports = [inputs.plasma-manager.homeManagerModules.plasma-manager];
      programs.plasma = {
        enable = true;
        # ...

    You probably forgot to import the plasma-manager module into home-manager. If you want to have a cleaner setup, I’d also recommend against just copying the complete output of rc2nix into your config since it tends to contain a lot of unnecessary stuff. What I usually do is:

    1. Store the current config in a file, i.e. rc2nix > old-config.nix
    2. Make whatever changes I want in Plasma in the graphical settings app
    3. Store the updated config in a new file, i.e. rc2nix > new-config.nix
    4. Get the difference, i.e. diff old-config.nix new-config.nix and add what I want to my actual plasma-manager config.

    This of course only works if you’re starting from a relatively unmodified installation of KDE, but in that case it’s worth the effort imo.

  • Selbst bei einer Dividende von 2.500 Euro ändert sich für die untere Hälfte der Bevölkerung nichts am Vermögen. Arme Menschen würden das Geld der Simulation zufolge für bislang ungestillte Konsumbedürfnisse ausgeben, anstatt es zu sparen. Ihr Vermögen wüchse also nicht, der Wohlstand aber schon.

    Was ist denn das für ein Argument? Es geht ja nicht darum, dass alle Menschen am Ende möglichst viel Geld in ihrem Bankkonto anhäufen, sondern dass ihr Lebensstandard sich langfristig verbessert. Abgesehen von den (vermutlich nicht allzu vielen) Leuten, die um ein Unternehmen zu gründen oder eine extrem teure Ausbildung zu bezahlen viel Geld auf einmal brauchen, ist eine einmalige Geldspritze dafür ja vermutlich nicht das effektivste Mittel.

  • TritontoMemes@lemmy.mlThe press and capitalism
    1 year ago

    That really depends on how exactly the public broadcasting is funded. In Germany for example, this happens independently from other state expenses so there’s no way that the government can directly controll the press. For this reason, the press tends to be critical of all political parties, including the ones currently in government.

  • TritontoMemes@lemmy.mlFascism and Capitalism
    1 year ago

    From Wikipedia:

    Fascism is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement, characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation and race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy.

    The only part that could vaguely be associated with capitalism (in a democratic country) is “militarism” and even then this is only the case if you mainly focus on the USA. The fact that fascist countries were running free-market economy is also not really a point since that was (and is) the case for a large part of the world.

    “subordination of personal interest” and “strong regimentation of […] the economy” is the opposite of prototypical uncontrolled capitalism. Saying that capitalism is fascism is just as stupid as saying that fascism and socialism are the same (“bUT it wAs cALLed naTIOnaL soCiaLIsm”). Using the word “fascism” for everything you don’t like just makes it lose all meaning.

  • TritontoNixOS@infosec.pubWhat have you been working on?
    1 year ago

    I’ve started writing a NixOS config to replace the Ubuntu install that I currently have on my server. I’m starting to question if it makes sense though, since the Nextcloud Snap is very convenient (it even includes a backup/restore script) and I don’t know if I’ll be able to easily replicate all of that easily using the NixOS module.

  • TritontoDeutschland@feddit.de*Permanently Deleted*
    1 year ago

    Wie er es sich vorstellt, Atomkraft als “Überbrückungstechnologie” zu verwenden, verstehe ich auch nicht. Man bräuchte doch erstmal Jahre, um die Kraftwerke wieder auf Vordermann zu bringen und neue Brennelemente zu beschaffen. In der Zeit könnte man stattdessen auch einfach erneuerbare Energien ausbauen. Vor 10 Jahren hätte man darüber noch diskutieren können, aber mittlerweile ist die Entscheidung halt schon getroffen.